2018-09-26 @ 11:09 pm
Watched the review and definitely the worse set of all. I thought that the mark I with Tony wasn't interesting, but this one most disappointing. The Trevor figure is fun an all, but is not worth the money.
This set would be much cooler if the Mandarin had some accessories. He should have 2 pistols, a tv remote, and a beer can. Also, I feel like they need to do right by the Mandarin and reveal that Trevor was a body double and there is a real Mandarin that was pulling all the strings.
I had an exclusive Transformer pre-ordered that was supposed to arrive last week, and the day it was scheduled to arrive, they let me know there was a delay (looks like it will be arriving next week...?). It looks like Hasbro dropped the ball in getting them multiple products on-time...
I was thinking in buying this pack, but with the delays and the newly announced figs and waves, i dont think so...
Hey gang, remember when the the Iron Man 3 trailer released and Madarin looked like he was about to be the greatest MCU villain of all time? LOL.
I would rather have the truevillain Aldrich killian but excited to get the others
The iron man figure is the only figure from this 3 pack that Im interested in. It looks pretty cool. The pepper figure could be better with some different arms on it
I dont get why, its been out in canada whats the deal hasbro i want that trevor n potts
2018-09-24 @ 6:39 pm
This one, at least to me, is a little lackluster. I really widh that they have done something like the Warriors Three.
Its here! Its here and its glorious!!!!
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