I also really liked the Angel Del Toro version, and her limited series. Would be great to see this as a legacy show, with the mantle being passed on, from one hero to another!
2 hours ago, Batbishop said:Love this custom! I hope we get white tiger in the Mcu. metoo! I liked ava in the ultimate spidey cartoon so she would be a cool choice too
Love this custom! I hope we get white tiger in the Mcu.
It looks great man but I wouldn't be surprised if we get a White Tiger figure in the next Black Panther assortment. In this day and age almost no character is too obscure.
Nice work here ScottieACE, and I totally agree, this is very clean. thanks
that's fantastic! great use of the base body and the paint looks really clean
i Like this, I have seen similar out there in the custom world (as well as some White Wolves) , but this looks nice and clean
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