Avengers Endgame Iron Man Mark 85 Figure From ZDToys

Avengers Endgame Iron Man Mark 85 Figure From ZDToys

Jay Cochran - September 20, 2019
ZDToys has announced a new Avengers: Endgame figure with Iron Man Mark 85. The figure stands around 6" or so. They aren't the exact scale of Marvel Legends but pretty close. This figure will include extra hands as well as the back energy channel piece as seen in the movie but missing from Hasbro's version.

The ZDToys are actual licensed figures from Marvel but only sold overseas. If you want to buy them here in the US you will likely have to resort to eBay. I reviewed their Endgame Jumpsuit Hulk figure a few weeks ago which you should check out if you want to see more on these ZDToy Avenger figures and how they compare to Marvel Legends. Check out the Iron Man images below.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
michiganjfrog - 2019-09-21 @ 11:18 pm
6 hours ago, newcollector24680 said:

It looks really cool but I still think Hasbro will release a MK 85 with the back piece or a battle damaged one with a bloody RDJ head and a snapping hand.

yea, personally I don't really need a back piece but the nano gauntlet with a couple different hands to swap is what I'm hoping for

newcollector24680 - 2019-09-21 @ 5:06 pm

It looks really cool but I still think Hasbro will release a MK 85 with the back piece or a battle damaged one with a bloody RDJ head and a snapping hand.

Ironnick2000 - 2019-09-21 @ 10:19 am

Not the most dynamic of poses to display your figure off to the public but really good paint job

michiganjfrog - 2019-09-21 @ 1:01 am

dang nice paint on this, ill be on the look out for a review of it

Batbishop - 2019-09-20 @ 11:47 pm

Best mark 80 figure in my opinion.

memocromatico - 2019-09-20 @ 2:27 pm

That back attachment looks really nice

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