Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection Marvel's 6" Mysterio Figure Video Review And Images

Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection Marvel's 6" Mysterio Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - August 13, 2020
ShartimusPrime takes a look at the new Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection Marvel's Mysterio figure from Hasbro. You can purchase this figure from our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2020-10-31 @ 7:56 am
On 8/16/2020 at 10:51 PM, SpiderS said:

Paint apps really makes this figure stand out so much more, I think its dry brushing they used? either way it really shows the detail of the costume unlike first fig,where these details were lost and overall original figure looked more plasticky, gold gloves also add some good contrast, however, still wish they would go extra mile and give us bowl cut Beck head under the fish bowl, maybe they will do it with futurechameleon figure?


WeaponXXX - 2020-08-21 @ 5:44 am

This retro wave is so good I'm loving it believe it or not I will be so happy to add these figures to my collection I don't have any comic or animated series spider man figures I have mcu versions but always loved the animated series growing so this is a wave of figures is the perfect start for me I need them all

EvilHayato - 2020-08-19 @ 6:10 pm

I really love the old figure and just as others said, the new one has more details showing through. Of all the figs to have dupes of, this one makes the most sense to have both since you can use the old one as an illusion, especially with that tentacle head that it came with. Torn as there are so much stuff coming out, hopefully I just find him on a sale and not see his price skyrocket like the original did.

leokearon - 2020-08-17 @ 7:06 am
35 minutes ago, monron999 said:

Aside from the new effects on this one, I actually prefer the first one better. I do like the idea of getting multiples to display them as illusions. Nice touch.

You could always have one as Quentin and the other as Danny

SpiderS - 2020-08-17 @ 6:51 am

Paint apps really makes this figure stand out so much more, I think its dry brushing they used? either way it really shows the detail of the costume unlike first fig,where these details were lost and overall original figure looked more plasticky, gold gloves also add some good contrast, however, still wish they would go extra mile and give us bowl cut Beck head under the fish bowl, maybe they will do it with futurechameleon figure?

monron999 - 2020-08-17 @ 6:37 am

Aside from the new effects on this one, I actually prefer the first one better. I do like the idea of getting multiples to display them as illusions. Nice touch.

leokearon - 2020-08-14 @ 7:07 am

Easily a must get for my brother, hopefully he appears in Ireland before October

Atlantis - 2020-08-14 @ 5:46 am

Don't know what Quentin Beck this fool is referring to....Quentin had black hair in a bowl cut in the comics, he looked like Moe Howard.


Bluecomet - 2020-08-14 @ 4:44 am

Thanks for the review Shartimus, this mysterio fits well with the original Sinister six lineup...the fish bowl really looks better and more comic accurate.

Lord_Scareglow - 2020-08-14 @ 4:36 am
31 minutes ago, GrtWhiteCustoms said:

I'm really and truly torn between getting this figure or keeping the original. The gold gloves look Really sharp.

Ah me to initially, I said easy pass on this... but the more I see it the more I like it.. I still like the shades of colors of the older version, and the cool head under the helmet, but the better sculpted and painted lines on the suit is just so much better on this one, adds so much more dimension.. must look away

I will keep restrain and stick with the older one

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