I decided to go on a suited figure buying binge this past week & now have a good amount of suited soldiers/hitmen for Fisk to sic on Frank, Spidey & DD. I made this custom office last yr to split between KP, Tony & JJJ. Can't wait to add the retro Suited Hammerhead to this pic. Wish the Coulson, Everett Ross figs weren't so damn expensive cuz I really wanted to add those suited characters to my goon squad. I do wish they hadn't made KP so damn tall, he's 6'7, not 7'7! Hopefuly Hasbro re-does him at a more accurate scale in some future Spidey wave or Bring on the bad guys wave.
Really love checking out these reviews for new ideas on parts swapping. Would never have thought to use Hulk parts but it works.. so cool
My Kingpin arrived the other day....the containerwas crushed like an accordion. When I opened it, the box was mangled and bent, but the figure itself was relatively undamaged except for the walking stick, which got bent nearly in half. Fortunately the plastic window protected most of the contents.
I really wanted that Kingpin from the wave but just refused to buy those other figures and I'm glad I stuck to my guns. The fact is, if youre not getting what you want, you have to be willing to walk away, and I was. This time, it worked out because I'm not just getting the entire Kingpin, I'm getting the original "iconic" outfit. Whoever decided on that color scheme way back when in the 60s, mustve been channeling every tacky used car salesman known to man, cause that's something only Saul Goodman would wear. But its accurate to the comics and that's what matters. Accuracy counts- whether itsWilson Fisk's garish wardrobe taste....or female body bucks.
Agree with Shartimus, this should have been the BAF in the old venom wave....putting shadow kings head is better with the white suit than this one.
10 hours ago, Satam said:Mr Fixit needs a fedora. I mean, he doesn't neeeed it, but he needs it.
Mr Fixit needs an ascot too, his tan lines are showing.
Mr Fixit needs a fedora. I mean, he doesn't neeeed it, but he needs it.
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