Marvel Legends Iceman Custom Slides By unloadingmeat

Marvel Legends Iceman Custom Slides By unloadingmeat

Jay Cochran - September 27, 2020
This weeks Marvelous Custom was done by unloadingmeat who created some custom Iceman slides. Here is how they describe the making of this:

Tried my hand at a few slides. I really like them now. I used hot glue for most of it. For the blue and white colors I made a first layer out of clear plastic sheets that I got from Hobby Lobby and used that as a base to lay the glue. Once I got that first layer done, I went inside and painted with blue or white paint. I then just started adding layers of glue until the glue diluted the color enough to my liking. All together it took about an hour each.

Check out the image(s) of their custom below and be sure to let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

If you would like to submit a custom of your own creation to be featured in an upcoming MARVELOUS CUSTOM segment you can post your work on our FORUMS.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
unloadingmeat - 2020-09-28 @ 7:07 pm
1 hour ago, McHogan said:

Wow very nice.. way out my league for customizing..

alas I am stuck with the skate board he came with

I was for awhile. But finally just got bored and went to hobby lobby. It only cost maybe 10 bucks for the glue paint and supplies. And if you don't like it, just throw it away.

McHogan - 2020-09-28 @ 6:05 pm

Wow very nice.. way out my league for customizing..

alas I am stuck with the skate board he came with

unloadingmeat - 2020-09-06 @ 10:37 pm
On 9/1/2020 at 9:22 PM, OmegaToyArt said:

That looks awesome!

Thank you!

OmegaToyArt - 2020-09-02 @ 2:22 am

That looks awesome!

unloadingmeat - 2020-09-02 @ 2:19 am
1 hour ago, Emnems80 said:

Thanks for the insight. Been wanting to make one for myself for my Jim Lee X-Men #1 display. Haven't had the courage to start it yet lol

I was same way and just got bored one day to try it. I included some photos for you of some in progress shots where you can see the plastic sheets I used as base walls and I also forgot to mention that you can simply use the actual glue sticks as a frame. Just quickly super glue them together in a rough shape you want, then add the plastic sheet walls then start gluing. It all goes very fast.







Emnems80 - 2020-09-02 @ 1:15 am
8 minutes ago, unloadingmeat said:

Thank you very much! Yes hot glue for most of it. For the blue and white colors I made a first layer out of clear plastic sheets that I got from Hobby Lobby and used that as a base to lay the glue. Once I got that first layer done, I went inside and painted with blue or white paint. I then just started adding layers of glue until the glue diluted the color enough to my liking. All together it took about an hour each.

Thanks for the insight. Been wanting to make one for myself for my Jim Lee X-Men #1 display. Haven't had the courage to start it yet lol

unloadingmeat - 2020-09-02 @ 1:12 am
20 minutes ago, Emnems80 said:

How did you make them? Hot glue? And did you use paint to add the blue highlights to the first slide? Great job by the way.

Thank you very much! Yes hot glue for most of it. For the blue and white colors I made a first layer out of clear plastic sheets that I got from Hobby Lobby and used that as a base to lay the glue. Once I got that first layer done, I went inside and painted with blue or white paint. I then just started adding layers of glue until the glue diluted the color enough to my liking. All together it took about an hour each.

Emnems80 - 2020-09-02 @ 12:55 am

How did you make them? Hot glue? And did you use paint to add the blue highlights to the first slide? Great job by the way.

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