Marvel Legends Frog-Man 6" Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Frog-Man 6" Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - December 02, 2020
ShartimusPrime takes a look at the new 6" Marvel Legends Frog-Man figure from Hasbro. You can pre-order this figure from our sponsor

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2020-12-05 @ 8:07 am
10 hours ago, silverback said:

No wonder I couldn't find any info on them. Thanks

Yeah, I think they must be the shortest ever team in comics.

silverback - 2020-12-04 @ 9:59 pm
13 hours ago, leokearon said:

White Rabbit wasn't part of the Misfits. The Misfits were Frogman, Toad and Steel Spider and didn't even last an issue.

No wonder I couldn't find any info on them. Thanks

leokearon - 2020-12-04 @ 8:35 am
10 hours ago, silverback said:

I'm not very familiar with this character either, but the more I read the post's the more I learn. Did not know that he was part of a group either but I will have to research that. I learned that White Rabbit was part of the Misfits also, other than that I would have no reason to consider getting the figure.

White Rabbit wasn't part of the Misfits. The Misfits were Frogman, Toad and Steel Spider and didn't even last an issue.

silverback - 2020-12-03 @ 10:30 pm

I'm not very familiar with this character either, but the more I read the post's the more I learn. Did not know that he was part of a group either but I will have to research that. I learned that White Rabbit was part of the Misfits also, other than that I would have no reason to consider getting the figure.

Satam - 2020-12-03 @ 5:30 pm

I'm not particularly familiar with this character, and every time I see this figure I think of Brick Frog from Venture Bros. LcnKabg.jpg

Nosferatuman62172 - 2020-12-03 @ 4:57 pm

Great figure and great review. Just keep him away from your black series baby Yoda. I mean Grogu.

monron999 - 2020-12-03 @ 2:25 pm

I like the look of it. It does kinda suck that you can't get him in a squatting pose, but in all honesty, I don't really think he was ever portrayed in the comics as actually doing that squat pose. He's not like Toad where all his power comes through his legs. All his powerscome from the suit design and the springs on his feet. I do remember being impressed by the artist (I think it was Rich Buckler) from whatever Spider-Man comicthat Leapfrog (I guess his dad) and Toad "fought" it out to see who was worthy of being Spidey's sidekick. He specifically drew Toad in a squatting and bounding pose and Leapfrog in a running and bouncing pose. The art was very specific to each character. Of course, that was back in a time where artists paid attention to anatomicdetail and just didn't cover up all their shortcomings with too much shading and texture. Not that it's bad art today, just different.

Still, some drop pins on the legs, similar to Beast would have sent this figure into the stratosphere. Something Hasbro might wanna think about when the inevitably do the Toad figure.

leokearon - 2020-12-03 @ 7:57 am

The more I see it, the more I kinda want it. Maybe they will do the rest of the Misfits

280-customs - 2020-12-02 @ 11:02 pm

Im gonna say it again i love this character he looks great i want 2-3 of them score 1 for hasbro making obscure characters also that toad is just the worst i dont miss mine at all ... ugh maybe they have a toad in the near future that would be great especially a classic verision

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