Captain America appears in the third installment of the new action figure series "Fighting Armor" by Sentinel! In this original concept series, Tony Stark takes the abilities of the Avengers and makes them into stunning technological armor. The figure was designed and arranged by Mitsunari Otempferu, who is also a collectible enthusiast. Sculpting and direction was done by Hiroyuki Komatsubara.
The figure was sculpted with the idea of a suit containing a real human body in mind, and each joint point is designed to move in a position very close to an actual body. It emantes a sense of dignity due to the die-cast utilized throughout. In addition, the chest area uses clear parts for further luxury and realism. The shield can also be attached to his back. A pedestal is also included for action scenes in the air. Add the Fighting Armor Captain America to your collection today! You can pre-order this figure from our sponsor
Hobbylink Japan. Look for it to be released in April 2021.
[Figure Size]: Approximately 16.5cm
[Set Contents]:
Shield Attachment Parts
Wrist A (left and right)
Wrist B (left and right)
Wrist C (left and right)