Marvel Legends Deluxe King Thanos 6" Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Deluxe King Thanos 6" Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - January 20, 2021
SunRoom Toy Reviews takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Deluxe Thanos figure from Hasbro. You can purchase this figure from our sponsor

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
tarot - 2021-01-21 @ 5:29 pm
10 minutes ago, leokearon said:

Do we need a new thread every time someone reviews a figure?Why not keep all the reviews in the same thread.

yes as it gives the person doing the review the free advertising for his channel. If we put them all in the same thread the later reviewer would be lost in the long threads.

leokearon - 2021-01-21 @ 5:26 pm

Do we need a new thread every time someone reviews a figure?Why not keep all the reviews in the same thread.

monron999 - 2021-01-21 @ 2:22 pm

While we're at it, I'll say thisagain, that King Thanos head sculpt looks absolutely ridiculous. Not sure why they went with the douchebag smirkrather than straight scowl, but it looks beyond stupid. Looks more like Gizmo from the Gremlins than the Scourge of the entire universe. The rest of the figure is spot on, so I'm glad weat least we get a very well done comic ClassicThanos. Credit to Hasbro for trying to go that extra mile, but that head sculpt is a definite swing 'n' a miss. Glad I didn't opt to buy multiples so I could display him both ways, cuz that head sculpt will be occupying a space in a storage bin next to Cannonball.

sentinelofliberty41 - 2021-01-21 @ 2:13 pm
9 hours ago, SUPREME007 said:

Man I just wish this thanos had a modern ab crunch that can tilt and I wish the elbow had much better articulation and then this figure would have been fricking perfect.

This was my first reaction as well but then I took a good look at my stand-in Marvel Select Thanos and seeing how much of a brick that thing is, the Legend one puts it to pasture. I do wish the elbows were a little better but at the same time I almost never use elbow joints to that degree anyway since most poses I use the joints are more natural and slight.

SUPREME007 - 2021-01-21 @ 4:55 am

Man I just wish this thanos had a modern ab crunch that can tilt and I wish the elbow had much better articulation and then this figure would have been fricking perfect.

nWoWolfpack - 2021-01-21 @ 3:30 am
44 minutes ago, Gigantor said:

Said it before, I'll say it again, should have come with an alternate mean gritted teeth classic Thanos head sculpt instead of a King Thanos head. what was Hasbro thinking when they did this???


Gigantor - 2021-01-21 @ 2:55 am

Said it before, I'll say it again, should have come with an alternate mean gritted teeth classic Thanos head sculpt instead of a King Thanos head. what was Hasbro thinking when they did this???

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