Another Marvel Legends Infinity Saga Rumor - Odin?

Another Marvel Legends Infinity Saga Rumor - Odin?

Jay Cochran - April 06, 2021
With only days left until Hasbro's Fan Fest Friday event we have another rumor to share with you in regards to Hasbro's Infinity Saga Marvel Legends line. It looks like we will be getting a new Odin figure based on the first Thor movie. This should be the figure for set number 4. Here is a breakdown on what we think we know on how the 10 figures in this sub-line will break down.

Set 1 - IM1 - Mark III - F0184
Set 2 - Unknown (likely store exclusive)
Set 3 - AVN2 - Age Of Ultron Quicksilver - F0186
Set 4 - THR1 - Odin - F0187
Set 5 - AVN4 - Endgame Fat Warrior Thor - F0188
Set 6 - IM1 - F0218 - $69.99
Set 7 - THR3 - F0189 - $49.99
Set 8 - Unknown (likely store exclusive)
Set 9 - IM3 (likely Amazon exclusive)
Set 10 - AVN4 - Endgame Iron Man Mk.85 and Thanos - F0192 - $59.99

We assume the figure will be clad in his armor as seen in the movie, but since we've not actually see the figure, I can't confirm that 100%. The image shown below is for reference purposes only. As always we will keep this in the rumor column until Hasbro officially confirms it which likely will be this Friday (4/9).
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
G-0 - 2021-04-09 @ 1:44 am

Im aware there are similar figures of the two circulating in the market. That said, I wonder if this set will be thedefinitive one.

The Mad Bubbler - 2021-04-08 @ 11:51 pm

It's about time - Odin is a pretty glaring omissions. Hopefully we'll get more Asgardian supporting characters soon.

Gigantor - 2021-04-08 @ 1:38 am
11 hours ago, monron999 said:

Take this chance to save your dimes, cuz due to the delays and push-backs I'm sure we're set to have a very MCU heavy year on the ML calendar. I'm happy to have the breather. Assuming Excalibur is one of the few comic based products in the near future, I foresee a year of savings for comic figure fans.

So far in 21', I've just gotten deluxe Thanos, Stiltman, HAND Ninja & Leap Frog. that's it. Classic comic based Ultron is my other must have in 21'. I'm interested in Nova but not gonna pay over $21 for him. Looking forward to the Ironman comic based wave that Ultron is in to see what version of Guardsmen they're making, better be this Army builder version.


Atlantis - 2021-04-07 @ 7:28 pm

Good news for MCU-mostly collectors. Also, in a way good new COMIC-mostly fans 'cause our wallets get a bit of a break. Hopefully the Legends team is using this time to craft up some goodies for the rest of the year- I'm still pressing for that Marvel Monsters box set! If they start now it could be ready in time for a Halloween release!

Ironspider428 - 2021-04-07 @ 6:35 pm
4 hours ago, monron999 said:

Take this chance to save your dimes, cuz due to the delays and push-backs I'm sure we're set to have a very MCU heavy year on the ML calendar. I'm happy to have the breather. Assuming Excalibur is one of the few comic based products in the near future, I foresee a year of savings for comic figure fans.

Yeah, that's how last year was for me, with all the X-men stuff. We do still have a decent amount of comic book stuff coming this year though, half of the Stiltman wave, HoX wave, Villains wave, Iron Man wave, half of the Shang-Chi wave, etc. I will say, I doubt there will be any sort of MCU breathers for the next few years, we're supposed to be getting like 4 movies and 5 shows a year from now on.

leokearon - 2021-04-07 @ 4:38 pm
3 hours ago, monron999 said:

Take this chance to save your dimes, cuz due to the delays and push-backs I'm sure we're set to have a very MCU heavy year on the ML calendar. I'm happy to have the breather. Assuming Excalibur is one of the few comic based products in the near future, I foresee a year of savings for comic figure fans.

Hopefully this will be a bit of a breather for the comic fans, thankfully so far, Stiltman (who I am still working on) is the only BAF I am interested in...

Bunjo0243 - 2021-04-07 @ 3:49 pm

Did you say this was the Infinity Saga line or the Iron Man Saga? Sheesh!

monron999 - 2021-04-07 @ 1:32 pm
34 minutes ago, Gigantor said:

More MCU figs? Along with Eternals/Shang Chi movie based figure waves, more $$ saved, thanksHasbro!

Take this chance to save your dimes, cuz due to the delays and push-backs I'm sure we're set to have a very MCU heavy year on the ML calendar. I'm happy to have the breather. Assuming Excalibur is one of the few comic based products in the near future, I foresee a year of savings for comic figure fans.

Gigantor - 2021-04-07 @ 12:55 pm

More MCU figs? Along with Eternals/Shang Chi movie based figure waves, more $$ saved, thanksHasbro!

monron999 - 2021-04-07 @ 10:11 am

Bleh. There is literally no other character I would be less interested in than MCU Odin for the ML treatment. I was barely interested in the Comic version. In a market where Destroyer or Curse still haven't been done in the Thor line, I hope he doesn't actually come packed with any"must have" characters.

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