Congratulations @MagnaPrime!
Congrats to
Y'all I am so stoked....also I'm old enough to use the word stoked. I can actually complete my him Lee xmen now.
Finally a winner, Congrats MagnaPrime.
Well done toMagnaPrime
Ok so MagnaPrime is our winner, and did get through. Congrats to them and stay tuned for details on the next contest launching soon.
On 5/5/2021 at 4:10 AM, leokearon said:You mustn't have spelled my name right
aight u got me.
27 minutes ago, MagnaPrime said:Do I need to be on a desktop? I'm on mobile and I have no envelope or way to send messages. Can someone send me a test message?
I use mobile man it works fine, but yes on mobile its harder to check messages and notifications. Like idk the inbox doesn't really work on mobile, but other than that its fine.
Do I need to be on a desktop? I'm on mobile and I have no envelope or way to send messages. Can someone send me a test message?
4 hours ago, MagnaPrime said:How do I check messages here?
4 hours ago, Cyke82 said:I was going to ask the same thing.. when JayC says "inbox" it means on our emails or there is some kind of inbox here on the website that I dont know how to access?
If you have a new message there should be a little "1" or whatever on the envelope icon next to your username near the top right of the page. To view that new message or older messages, click on the envelope icon. That will open a little pop-out window from which you can compose messages yourself or go to your message inbox. The most recent messages should also show in the window.
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