1 hour ago, tarot said:Just Curious, who would you replace it with?
for me I would swap out Blackheart for Dracula and switch the Blackheart baf making him a regular on the Movie Venom build with Mephisto being the BAF instead. I'd keep Daimon, Satana and Robbie. Might throw in a Classic Dr. Strange to to give it another hero.
In other words my wave would be
Classic Dr. StrangeRobbie ReyesBlackheartDaimonSatanaNightmareDraculaBAF Mephisto
Actually I looked closer and it looks like he already has him (under Helstrom)! The picture isnt focused well but I'm pretty sure that's his classic look. So instead a classic Dracula would fit just fine....
tarot -
2021-04-12 @ 1:09 am
25 minutes ago, Atlantis said:Great idea for a wave, but I'd swap inclassic Son of Satan. I love the artistry and craftmanship here. Way to go!!
Just Curious, who would you replace it with?
for me I would swap out Blackheart for Dracula and switch the Blackheart baf making him a regular on the Movie Venom build with Mephisto being the BAF instead. I'd keep Daimon, Satana and Robbie. Might throw in a Classic Dr. Strange to to give it another hero.
In other words my wave would be
Classic Dr. StrangeRobbie ReyesBlackheartDaimonSatanaNightmareDraculaBAF Mephisto
I'd totally buy that as real. I love the attention to detail on the packaging.
Great idea for a wave, but I'd swap inclassic Son of Satan. I love the artistry and craftmanship here. Way to go!!
Is that pic with the store pegs in the background photoshopped? Even bringing in your own items Id be nervous they think I was stealing these haha!
This wave would be awesome.
Very impressive. It is a shame we may not get any real horror themed figures anytime soon
tarot -
2021-04-11 @ 6:28 pm
I remember when I was first shown and people thought it was real. It was April 1st
Woow, nice job!! Looks like a lot of work there!!
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