Walgreens/EBGames Exclusive Marvel Legends 6" Classic Richard Rider Nova Video Review And Images

Walgreens/EBGames Exclusive Marvel Legends 6" Classic Richard Rider Nova Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - April 27, 2021
ShartimusPrime takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Classic Richard Rider Nova figure from Hasbro. Here in the US this figure will be sold as a Walgreens exclusive. In Canada it's being sold as a EBGames exclusive.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2021-06-19 @ 3:23 am

From what I can see, Nova is a great figure and they did a good job with it. I do have some issues with the colors, though....the dark blue looks accurate but the yellow, which is probably their attempt at gold, really comes off as a kind of mustard shade. It aint horrible but it couldve easily been better. And why doesnt he have the large starburst symbol on his back?

Otherwise he looks great and I sure hope if wg isn't carrying Legends anymore, the regular retail chains will.

Atlantis - 2021-06-01 @ 7:11 am
On 5/24/2021 at 3:27 AM, bashpics99 said:

I half expect that one of these days we'll just see them listed on Entertainment Earth or something.

THAT would be wonderful. At least I could get it then. And definitely not at some inflated price some fools are willing to pay at.

What's odd is that Walgreens hasn't announced anything about dropping Legends. Even though it looks like theyre out of the Legends business.

bashpics99 - 2021-05-24 @ 11:27 am
3 hours ago, Atlantis said:

Aaaaaaaaand still....nothing.....no sign, no signal, no trace, no word.....

I half expect that one of these days we'll just see them listed on Entertainment Earth or something.

Atlantis - 2021-05-24 @ 7:59 am

Aaaaaaaaand still....nothing.....no sign, no signal, no trace, no word.....

RyanDaly - 2021-05-07 @ 2:18 am

Stopped by a Walgreens today and, as expected, nothing.

The thing is, as mad as I am, I don't necessarily want Walgreens to lose their contract with Hasbro. For me personally, shopping at Walgreens is easier than shopping at either Walmart or Target or GameStop. I want them to continue to get unique exclusive Marvel Legends from Hasbro... I just want them to put 'em on the ****ing shelves!!! They need to hold up their end of the bargain.

Emnems80 - 2021-05-07 @ 12:40 am
10 hours ago, RyanDaly said:

Vance and Speedball are easy repaints with new heads. Namorita would need a new head, torso, and feed, but not complicated sculpts. These are easy fillers for other waves.

If the rumored Excalibur box set includes Meggan, I wonder if at least the head sculpt (if not more) can be used for Namorita?

leokearon - 2021-05-06 @ 4:18 pm
3 hours ago, Bluecomet said:

Interesting, was not aware dark hawk was a member of thenew warriors....must have after 1992...yes we need a Namorita figure

NEW WARRIORS Rookies 1990 Marvel No. 85 Trading Card | eBay Marvel Universe: Series 2 156 A, Jan 1991 Trading Card by Impel | Marvel  cards, Marvel posters, Marvel New Warriors trading card | Marvel cards, Superhero art, Comics

He joined in 1992, the same time as Rage

RyanDaly - 2021-05-06 @ 1:46 pm

Vance and Speedball are easy repaints with new heads. Namorita would need a new head, torso, and feed, but not complicated sculpts. These are easy fillers for other waves.

Bluecomet - 2021-05-06 @ 1:05 pm

Interesting, was not aware dark hawk was a member of thenew warriors....must have after 1992...yes we need a Namorita figure

NEW WARRIORS Rookies 1990 Marvel No. 85 Trading Card | eBay Marvel Universe: Series 2 156 A, Jan 1991 Trading Card by Impel | Marvel  cards, Marvel posters, Marvel New Warriors trading card | Marvel cards, Superhero art, Comics

leokearon - 2021-05-06 @ 6:59 am
49 minutes ago, Atlantis said:

True....what IS the point?? And Hasbro's aware of it, so why? What The Actual Frag...No sense at all.

Exactly The whole idea of giving a store exclusives is so they will stock the actual line. So if the store is getting the exclusives but isn't actual line, then they shouldn't be getting anything

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