Rings true of early Hulk appearances, well done. This era of Hulk was always a favorite, would love for Hasbro to spend more time in this era
Nice job! Love that color scheme and paint job! You are spot on with the color choice. My only gripe is the head is a tad too large for that body but otherwise excellent vision of a version of hulk that should def be made!
2 hours ago, sentinelofliberty41 said:Nice work, Gigantor. I really dig the color green on this guy. I see you painted your Iron Man's details too. Very nice. Muchas gracias senor.
Nice work, Gigantor. I really dig the color green on this guy. I see you painted your Iron Man's details too. Very nice.
Bought that Hulk on sale too. Not sure how much, but it was on the cheap. The body mold is great and I think it's actually well suited forcomic and MCU figures. I wish they would use it more oftern. Another buck that's very good and I thought would have been converted for bigger figure use was the Ragnarok Hulk figure. Of course, they would have had to retool the feet and one of the arms, but otherwise the sculpt and size was spot on for Hulk sized characters. It woulda certainly been perfect for Skaar, if it ever gets done.
Thanks guys. Hasbro has the parts to do this slimmer Hulk in a retro wave along with an alternate mean closed mouth head sculpt or fully open yelling mouth version.
Awesome! It be cool if you made a Bruce Banner to go with it!
This actually looks really good I never knew I wanted a hulk like this, but now I do, excellent work man.
Love that size Hulk. Well done. If this guy got a mass release, I'd scoop him up.
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