Marvel Legends Walgreens Exclusive Nova Figure Set To Hit Stores This Summer

Marvel Legends Walgreens Exclusive Nova Figure Set To Hit Stores This Summer

Jay Cochran - June 15, 2021
While the new Marvel Legends Classic Nova figure has been hitting Canada EBGames and other places overseas for over a month now, the figure has yet to be found at any Walgreens stores here in the US. Here in the US the figure is being sold as an exclusive at the drug store chain.

While still being fairly vague, Hasbro's Dan Yun made comment on social media saying the figure would be out at Walgreens this summer.

Of course technically it's already summer, so that really could be anytime between now and August. Since Dan felt the need to comment and wasn't more specific, I am going to assume the figure will likely hit later in the summer rather than sooner. maybe by next month we can hope. August is when the next Walgreens exclusive figure which is Quasar was originally slated to see released, so I don't know if that one will be delayed or if the two figures will end up being released fairly close to one another.

While you wait for Nova to be released, you can check out images and this review from ShartimusPrime for the figure below.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
MarvelousFan87 - 2021-08-30 @ 7:12 am

Not sure yet if I want to pick this one up.

Atlantis - 2021-08-30 @ 3:09 am joy Nova or least in the stores. A friend got me a Nova, but nothing is at walgreens

Gigantor - 2021-07-23 @ 3:26 am
On 7/22/2021 at 7:26 PM, SpiderS said:

is there any pics???

The reviewer stated that they do. Bout only fig with sculpted on wrist bands was classic swim trunks Namor I believe.

SpiderS - 2021-07-23 @ 12:26 am
On 7/18/2021 at 7:33 AM, Gigantor said:

Um...Quantum bands are removable.

is there any pics???

leokearon - 2021-07-21 @ 6:32 am
On 7/21/2021 at 3:54 AM, Atlantis said:

Laziness!! Took the cheap way out.


GrtWhiteCustoms - 2021-07-21 @ 4:33 am

Regarding Pyro...I hate how they keep flipping his name. Originally it was John St. ALDERYCE....then St. John ALDERYCE. Not sure what it really is anymore.

Atlantis - 2021-07-21 @ 2:54 am
On 7/17/2021 at 7:46 AM, leokearon said:

Looks great, but seriously why the fire fists?

Laziness!! Took the cheap way out.

ransomz - 2021-07-19 @ 11:55 pm

Picture 15 is hilarious!

Atlantis - 2021-07-18 @ 10:19 pm
On 7/18/2021 at 2:07 PM, MonsterChris said:


That really confused the hell out of me for so long. Avengers Annual #10 was the first thing I ever read with Pyro in it. Then later on they would reference him being Australian. For the longest time, I would assume I just remembered wrong when whatever the comic I was reading at the time said one way or the other. I didn't realize until years later that they had pulled a switch. Felt like I was taking crazy pills!

Nope, not your fault.

"Blow it out your Union Jack, limey!" Pyro never responded to that.

That's all you need to know. You say something like that to a person who isn't English, they're gonna correct you.

Pyro wasn't "thought" to be British, he was British. The Handbook made a mistake and subsequent writers just went with it. Who knows why, maybe chalk it up to indifference and ignorance.

MonsterChris - 2021-07-18 @ 10:07 pm
On 7/18/2021 at 5:23 PM, Atlantis said:

So basically, they made a mistake in the Marvel Handbook where they say he's Aussie but he'd already been established as a Brit. Multiple examples of him being called/described as an Englishman, yet he never once corrected anyone? But instead of correcting the Handbook entry, Marveljust went with the error.


That really confused the hell out of me for so long. Avengers Annual #10 was the first thing I ever read with Pyro in it. Then later on they would reference him being Australian. For the longest time, I would assume I just remembered wrong when whatever the comic I was reading at the time said one way or the other. I didn't realize until years later that they had pulled a switch. Felt like I was taking crazy pills!

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