Marvel Legends X-Men Animated Series Wolverine Figure In-Hand Images

Marvel Legends X-Men Animated Series Wolverine Figure In-Hand Images

Jay Cochran - February 04, 2022
Shown below via Dan Veesenmeyer are some in-hand images for the new Marvel Legends Series X-Men Wolverine 90s Animated Series figure from Hasbro. Dan is actually the packaging artist on this line and the figure was sent to him early by Hasbro. This figure is being sold as a Pulse exclusive.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SpiderS - 2022-04-07 @ 12:36 pm

Glasses with reflection make this figure not only accurate to animation but comics as well.

JayC - 2022-04-06 @ 11:58 pm


































tarot - 2022-04-05 @ 12:59 pm
On 4/4/2022 at 5:05 PM, MrWolf12000 said:

Like the same sized box? thats a bit of a disappointment if so. I thought these would be for sure in a VHS sized box; especially for Sinister. I cant really tell from the pics at the top but it does look small

well to be fair, the Sinister figure is not that much bigger then the Shield/Skrull/Aim/Hydra figures.

WeaponXXX - 2022-04-05 @ 12:25 pm

This is one figure I have to get don't need another wolverine but the vhs box sold me

MrWolf12000 - 2022-04-04 @ 4:05 pm
On 2/5/2022 at 11:37 AM, tarot said:

It just the box. Some as the army builders.

Like the same sized box? thats a bit of a disappointment if so. I thought these would be for sure in a VHS sized box; especially for Sinister. I cant really tell from the pics at the top but it does look small

SpiderS - 2022-02-06 @ 10:53 pm

I love headsculpts, claws are also good looking but sadly the seem to be very similar to old Toybiz claws that would require hairdryer straightening from time to time.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-02-06 @ 10:49 pm
On 2/5/2022 at 7:20 AM, Cboduch said:

How is the figure packed inside the box? As an in box collector, trying to figure out if this is for me? I wanna be able to see the figure, but i am thinking I'm gonna have to open this for sure? Could you post a pic?

I think In Box collectors with a wave like this where you can't even see the figure in the box, it's not even worth buying the figure, just buy the Box and display the Box. Why pay like 30+ for a figure you won't see buy the box off Ebay for like 5 bucks.

figure looks fine, box looks cool, I got no interest, call me up if they do a new Professor X so I can get one for a decent price.

leokearon - 2022-02-05 @ 5:19 pm
On 2/5/2022 at 4:37 PM, tarot said:

It just the box. Some as the army builders.

That's disappointing, I hope they would do it like Transformers:Draculus

tarot - 2022-02-05 @ 4:37 pm
On 2/5/2022 at 12:20 PM, Cboduch said:

How is the figure packed inside the box? As an in box collector, trying to figure out if this is for me? I wanna be able to see the figure, but i am thinking I'm gonna have to open this for sure? Could you post a pic?

It just the box. Some as the army builders.

EvilHayato - 2022-02-05 @ 2:50 pm
On 2/5/2022 at 7:20 AM, Cboduch said:

How is the figure packed inside the box? As an in box collector, trying to figure out if this is for me? I wanna be able to see the figure, but i am thinking I'm gonna have to open this for sure? Could you post a pic?

This isnt from JayC, its from Dan Veesenmeyer who is not a poster here. His instagram doesnt have any images of the figure in packaging. Gonna have to wait for others to get it to show that.. or you could msg Dan and see if he will post up a pic.

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