Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Cardback Rhino Figure Available For Pre-Order

Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Cardback Rhino Figure Available For Pre-Order

Jay Cochran - February 22, 2022
The newly announced Marvel Legends Spider-Man Retro Cardback Rhino figure from Hasbro is now available for pre-order from our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2022-03-02 @ 7:37 am

Wooof, Rhino's gonna be a big one and big hit to the pocket.

Satam - 2022-02-25 @ 6:24 pm
On 2/25/2022 at 12:05 PM, SpiderMan said:

Did Hasbro Toy Shop stop offering free shipping with $50 purchase?

I think it may have been $49, but yes, they did.

SpiderMan - 2022-02-25 @ 5:05 pm

Did Hasbro Toy Shop stop offering free shipping with $50 purchase?

Bluecomet - 2022-02-24 @ 11:12 pm
On 2/23/2022 at 11:47 AM, ransomz said:

Tigra turned out to be a really great figure. I am very happy with her. The color looks fine in hand.

I was surprised as well..Honestly I knew nothing about the character. The upgraded body mold is good for articulation. Thanks.

Atlantis - 2022-02-23 @ 2:07 am

That paint on Tigra is retina-burning. Its the kind of high-res, blazing, you-can-see-from-orbit color that air/sea rescuers prefer victims to use when they're on recovery missions.

ransomz - 2022-02-23 @ 12:47 am

Tigra turned out to be a really great figure. I am very happy with her. The color looks fine in hand.

Psychosomatic - 2022-02-22 @ 6:46 pm

I like the Rhino a lot, but I can't say I need it since I have the BAF. The Avengers/Ironman wave is the first time I can say I don't need the BAF, so I can pick and choose. Two female shield agents, and Thor for sure... have to think about the others - I have bought so many figures over the past two years (including a Sentinel and Galactus) that I gotta slow down!

WeaponXXX - 2022-02-22 @ 6:20 pm

I'm excited I got both Rhino and Storm I've waited so long for Rhino The baf is way too expensive so this was a must buy for me The retro spider-man line has been fire thus far

Air-Walker - 2022-02-22 @ 4:14 pm

Yeah, the body sculpt overall is good; they gave her a really nice sense of strength in the legs and booty, which one would expect from a lady who can leap and move like a big cat. The breast and cleavage detail is strangely muted though, though I'm pretty sure that's just due to worry over puritanical parents getting butthurt (over things their kids don't even want, lol).

That face though...sigh. She looks like she's freaking kid man, ugh. And yes, as Modaddydodok pointed out, she needs big hair! Prime candidate for a repaint.

MODADDYDODOK - 2022-02-22 @ 2:57 pm

If they repaint her correctly and give her big hair, Ill get er.

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