New Disney+ Moon Knight Posters - Which Version Would Make For A Better Marvel Legends Figure?

New Disney+ Moon Knight Posters - Which Version Would Make For A Better Marvel Legends Figure?

Jay Cochran - March 10, 2022
Today Marvel released two new Disney+ Moon Knight posters featuring the different looks the character will have in the show that premiers on March 30. The one on the left features the more traditional look for the character and the one on the right represents the version often refereed to as the Mr. Knight.

Now as I've previously reported, we should be getting at least one Disney+ Moon Knight Marvel Legends figure from Hasbro which will be part of the third Disney+ wave. It's certainly possible we could end up getting both versions of Moon Knight as shown above, but if you had to pick one, which would you prefer getting? The one on the right or the one on the left? Let us know in the COMMENTS SECTION below.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Outsiders - 2022-03-12 @ 4:33 am

Additional poster...


SpiderS - 2022-03-11 @ 7:06 pm

The fact we got Deadpool in white suit as Legends figure instead of Mr. Knight from comics is kinda depressing.

Fetisone - 2022-03-10 @ 8:30 pm

Would love to get an updated "suit" body with more articulation. Mr. Knight would be perfect for this.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-03-10 @ 8:24 pm

I like the "regular" suit more, that would be an amazing figure, but I'd also surely not say no to the Mr. Knight look, because it's Moon Knight.

leokearon - 2022-03-10 @ 8:19 pm

They'll probably do both. Moonknight for the D+ wave and Mr. Knight as an exclusive

monron999 - 2022-03-10 @ 8:08 pm

I don't really think it matters. I'd bet dollars to donuts that both of them will be done. If not in the main Disney+ wave, maybe a two pack. Of course they won't give us an Oscar Isaac head sculpt. They'll hold out on that so they can gouge us with a third figure somewhere down the line.

Archaengel - 2022-03-10 @ 7:26 pm

Both, but I'd want Mr. Knight more.

We've gotten a few comic releases at this point but we've never gotten a Mr. Knight so we need that more. They could even give us 2 versions; the jacketed version and the vest version with the sleeves rolled up like in this poster. This is the look I want the most (if I could only pick one) because he just looks like a brawler.

I'm hoping we'll get all 3, and I'd buy all 3 if they do it.

natron - 2022-03-10 @ 7:03 pm

moon knight

i pick the traditional costume

JohnF - 2022-03-10 @ 6:00 pm

Honestly both would sell like crazy, but my preference is the one on the left, with the cape. If I had to get just one I'd go with that.

memocromatico - 2022-03-10 @ 5:41 pm

Both are flippin hot. I prefer the hooded look for my display, since thats how I met MK way back when and the amount of detail is INSANE but I wouldnt complain getting the vested version either. Less fantastic, more street level, but this is SICK. I love it. This is the most hyped series for me this year.

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