New Hall Of Armor Iron Man Funko POP! Figures

New Hall Of Armor Iron Man Funko POP! Figures

Jay Cochran - March 11, 2022
Available for pre-order now at our sponsors BigBadToyStore and Entertainment Earth is the Pop! Deluxe: Iron Man Hall of Armor Model 1 and Iron Man Hall of Armor Model 4 figures from Funko. These comic book-inspired designs, built out to include stackable alcoves for each armor, allow collectors to build their own hall of armor. Each Pop! Deluxe figure stands about 3 3/4" tall and comes packaged in a collector-friendly window box.
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leokearon - 2022-04-17 @ 7:10 am
On 4/16/2022 at 8:15 PM, ADour said:

Wait, it's only going to be four pieces? That's... a bit underwhelming. I hope there's a "wave" 2 planned down the line.

I'm not sure four even counts as a hall

ADour - 2022-04-16 @ 7:15 pm

Wait, it's only going to be four pieces? That's... a bit underwhelming. I hope there's a "wave" 2 planned down the line.

leokearon - 2022-04-16 @ 7:11 am

Always wanted a Silver Centurion POP

JayC - 2022-04-15 @ 4:54 pm



leokearon - 2022-03-13 @ 5:57 pm
On 3/13/2022 at 5:31 PM, ADour said:

Next year is the 10th anniversary of Iron Man 3, so while I'm not holding my breath, I would love to see a special line of the MK 1-7 with Hall of Armor docks plus a Tony Stark torecreate the scene of Tony testing the MK 42. It would be a perfect opportunity to do all the remaining MKs they need to update all at once.

The only MCU Armour I really card about is the Travel Suit. Still they should do something like a Hall of Iron set with gives people the option of adding additional docks

ADour - 2022-03-13 @ 5:31 pm
On 3/12/2022 at 4:52 AM, leokearon said:

Yeah, Like Disney had that ToyBox Hall of Iron, which could hold some Marvel Legends, I'm sure Hasbro could do something similar

Next year is the 10th anniversary of Iron Man 3, so while I'm not holding my breath, I would love to see a special line of the MK 1-7 with Hall of Armor docks plus a Tony Stark torecreate the scene of Tony testing the MK 42. It would be a perfect opportunity to do all the remaining MKs they need to update all at once.

leokearon - 2022-03-12 @ 7:52 am
On 3/11/2022 at 9:45 PM, ADour said:

Aww, c'mon, Funko. I'm trying to not fall into the Pop rabbit hole.

And on a side note, when's Hasbro gonna make something like this? They're really sitting on making a Hall of Armor set.

Yeah, Like Disney had that ToyBox Hall of Iron, which could hold some Marvel Legends, I'm sure Hasbro could do something similar

ADour - 2022-03-11 @ 9:45 pm

Aww, c'mon, Funko. I'm trying to not fall into the Pop rabbit hole.

And on a side note, when's Hasbro gonna make something like this? They're really sitting on making a Hall of Armor set.

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