Marvel Legends Mega Deluxe M.O.D.O.K. Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Mega Deluxe M.O.D.O.K. Video Review And Images

Outsiders - March 24, 2022
LoreKeeper takes a look at the Marvel Legends Mega Deluxe M.O.D.O.K. from Hasbro. This figure is available from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2022-03-28 @ 5:26 am

I agree its a good figure but it isn't worth that original price tag, which was why I passed on it; later it got marked down, down down down, and I picked one up. I said it before, this could have had a higher price if they had incorporated some electronics in it. If not sound, then at least lights. Its perfectly designed for that; no risk of losing articulation or anything like that. At any rate, good figure to have.

McHogan - 2022-03-25 @ 8:58 pm

Agree with all the above, just an awesome figure and a welcome upgrade over the ToyBiz one.

I too got a deal and didnt have to pay the $50 price tag.. though I probably would have.

bashpics99 - 2022-03-25 @ 5:05 pm

Yeah i didn't hold out for the $30 sales but picked him up for $42, compared to trying to get the old BAF it was a bargain and of course it is an upgrade over the toybiz version. And definitely one of my favorite ML figures of 2021.

Plus many of the parts for MODOK are seemingly quite limited in terms of re-useability, so its kind of hard to say whether hasbro was "seeing what price they could get away with" (aka gouging) or the price is simply what was required to reach ordinary profit levels. I wonder if they have MODOK variants in mind, seems like they would be too expensive & of too limited appeal to be worthwhile, i dunno

EvilHayato - 2022-03-25 @ 4:17 pm

This was much more worth the $30 price tag I got mine for. As much as this is an improvement over the already great toybiz baf, the original $50 price tag was a much harder pill to swallow for me. I know its more for the box and its size but that box gets thrown away. I do really enjoy this figure and am grateful I was able to acquire one and replace my toybiz one which was a huge feat as that was one of the last great toybiz sculpts in my collection.

GrtWhiteCustoms - 2022-03-25 @ 2:48 am

Love this figure!

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