The Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection Rose Video Review And Images

The Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection Rose Video Review And Images

Outsiders - May 22, 2023
Dan Who? Reviews takes a look at the new The Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Collection Rose from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SpiderS - 2023-05-23 @ 6:25 pm

I do appreciate elongated suit but it looks weird on that body, they should have went with more regular suit that fits that body properly, he also used to have hint of visible eyes, which made him look creepy and threatening just like the Riddler from the new Batman movie, while this head look is accurate to some comics it makes him look like some kind of kid friendly G.I.Joe Knock off character and not like nefarious mafia boss he is.


Lord_Scareglow - 2023-05-23 @ 3:28 pm

Surprised it took them this long to give us Rose, he's a simple figure to do, and yes as Simple as he is, always thought this guy looked pretty cool, He always looked like Mob Boss Zemo to me, I'm def getting this figure, it's not the most exhilarating looking figure, but it's a new character for the collection and he's done I guess as best as he could be, although seems like he has zero torso articulation, but whatever.

super-chillin - 2023-05-23 @ 1:27 pm

Gang War was one of my favorite story arcs so Im definitely looking forward to this one. Crossing my fingers theyll deliver on a classic version of Jack OLantern too.

leokearon - 2023-05-23 @ 6:55 am

Looks great though ot sure on why they went with the googles look more associated with the Blood Rose. Still a must get for me. Now if only we could get his 90's rival the Black Tarantula.

Atlantis - 2023-05-23 @ 5:12 am

A rose by any other name....

...still stinks to high heaven, when its a dirtbag criminal like this guy! Lol been expecting this one for a while now, and they've hinted quite a bit. I don't know why exactly but he reminds me of an obscure deep dive villain. Anyone else remember.....Hemlock?

McHogan - 2023-05-23 @ 2:07 am

Yeah Spidey has the best Rogues gallery.

I want this Rose, and that bad ass Elektra DD.. Rose because I've always loved his look and he was the protagonist in one issue I had in my many failed attempts at a sustained Spidey comic collection.

The rest look great, as most of Hasbros stuff has lately, though most feel off on Retro cards.. heck, even the Retro cards look modern and not very retro-y at all.

Which kinda tales away a bit from the appeal. Even though none of the characters represented here made the old Toybiz line (maybe Tarantula?) they could have done what McFarlane done with the Super Powers line and add any character he wants on the old Retro SP cards.. it definitely adds a little something to the present

Ironspider428 - 2023-05-23 @ 12:03 am

This is the first time I'm realizing he has Zemo hands. There's a lot iof detail in those hands so that's good. But this guy, Tarantula and Chasm are the only ones I'm getting from this wave. The Spider-Villains shelf is ever growing.

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