Rumored Marvel Legends Figures Coming In 2024

Rumored Marvel Legends Figures Coming In 2024

Jay Cochran - January 10, 2024
I touched on this the other week in a video, but for those who didn't watch I wanted to write these out as well. This list of rumored Marvel Legends figures coming from Hasbro originally was reported on by Displaying Model Behaviour 6 months ago. It should be noted and why we feel this info is accurate, in that video he also reported about the Deluxe Angel figure and Wolverine 2-Packs long before Hasbro officially confirmed them last month in their most recent live-stream. Now remember the Deluxe Red Suit Angel figure and 2 of the four Wolverine 2-packs are already available for pre-order at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.. The Lady Mandarin Psylocke vs Wolverine 2-pack goes up for pre-order tomorrow (01/11) and the Joe Fixit & Patch 2-pack likely will go up for pre-order on January 18th.

So anyway now on to the rumored figures not yet confirmed by Hasbro for 2024. According to DMB we will be seeing the following:

- Marvel Legends Re-issue of Galactus Herald Thor with darker colors.

- Marvel Legends Count Nefaria

- Marvel Legends KaZar

- Marvel Legends Comic Book Eternals Ikaris

- Marvel Legends Heroes Reborn Iron Man

- Marvel Legends X-Factor Wolfsbane

- S.H.I.E.L.D. 3-Pack featuring Nick Fury w/alternate head, Dum Dum Dugan, Sharon Carter

Again these should be treated as rumor until Hasbro officially confirms them and of course this isn't all we will be seeing in 2024 for Marvel Legends. See DMB's entire video below.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
tarot - 2024-09-05 @ 7:46 pm
On 9/5/2024 at 5:19 PM, JayC said:

Looks like EE had briefly listed the Secret Wars wave by mistake. Possibly an indication we will see it revealed next Friday during PulseCon.


so next week will be the Secret Wars reveal. Given that it's 6 in the case it make me hopeful for a retro style wave.

JayC - 2024-09-05 @ 4:19 pm

Looks like EE had briefly listed the Secret Wars wave by mistake. Possibly an indication we will see it revealed next Friday during PulseCon.


Thwippersnapper - 2024-04-03 @ 10:28 pm
On 1/15/2024 at 11:46 AM, JayC said:

Internet action figure sleuth JTPrime has discovered a new listing of Marvel Legends figures that read as follows:MVL LEGENDS RETRO 6"' SECRET WARS 1Product Number: G0779MVL LEGENDS RETRO 6" SECRET WARS 2Product Number: G0780MVL LEGENDS RETRO 6" SECRET WARS 3Product Number: G0781MVL LEGENDS RETRO 6" SECRET WARS 4Product Number: G0782MVL LEGENDS RETRO 6" SECRET WARS 5Product Number: G0783MVL LEGENDS RETRO 6" SECRET WARS 6'Product Number: G0784These appear to be comic book based figures that will see release in December 2024. The original Marvel Comics Secret Wars mini-series which debuted back in 1984 is celebrating it's 40th Anniversary and we all know how Hasbro likes to do figures for special comic event anniversaries, so we feel like these figures will have some connection to that. We also assume these will be on some kind of Retro cardback. Could the cardbacks be replicas of the original Secret Wars action figure line from Mattel? My initial thought would be no, but remember last year we got word that Hasbro and Mattel had started working together, so who knows maybe it could happen.With the figures being done on some type of Retro Cardbacks there likely will not be a Build-A-Figure in this wave, but my question is will we finally get a Beyonder Marvel Legends figure???


I still cannot stop thinking about this and cannot friggin wait to see

KobeTheGOAT - 2024-02-23 @ 9:54 pm

Im so ready for a Superior Spider-Man (hopefully it has the arms and less-importantly asymmetrical weblines

watanabefan - 2024-01-23 @ 7:08 pm

I assume this will be mostly heavy hitters, but it'd be nice if they snuck in a few D-listers like Titania (though she might be more of a C-lister now because of the She-Hulk show) or Volcana.

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-01-23 @ 6:10 pm
On 1/20/2024 at 3:18 AM, leokearon said:

It would be odd, but not impossible.

True, it has happened before, we have seen characters get multiple figures in the same year, or even months apart, and not even anchor characters, so I guess it's not impossible.

leokearon - 2024-01-20 @ 8:18 am
On 1/19/2024 at 6:57 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

Well I kinda have a feeling it would be pretty unlikely we'd see two comic Wasps in 1 year, and the Classic Costume was already shown and teased, so I think that's probably it, I'd be really surprised if we got 2 Wasps in a year.

It would be odd, but not impossible.

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-01-19 @ 6:57 pm
On 1/19/2024 at 6:58 AM, SpiderS said:

I don't want to anger anyone but I really hope we don't get Secret Wars Wasp costume, it's imo literally one of the worst costumes she ever had, there's so many Wasp looks I would like to be done first + Hasbro already making first appearance costume which might oversaturate market.

Well I kinda have a feeling it would be pretty unlikely we'd see two comic Wasps in 1 year, and the Classic Costume was already shown and teased, so I think that's probably it, I'd be really surprised if we got 2 Wasps in a year.

leokearon - 2024-01-19 @ 5:17 pm
On 1/19/2024 at 11:58 AM, SpiderS said:

I don't want to anger anyone but I really hope we don't get Secret Wars Wasp costume, it's imo literally one of the worst costumes she ever had, there's so many Wasp looks I would like to be done first + Hasbro already making first appearance costume which might oversaturate market.

Personally I don't like the Secret Wars costume either. I added on my list because it was a look that hadn't been done before.

SpiderS - 2024-01-19 @ 11:58 am

I don't want to anger anyone but I really hope we don't get Secret Wars Wasp costume, it's imo literally one of the worst costumes she ever had, there's so many Wasp looks I would like to be done first + Hasbro already making first appearance costume which might oversaturate market.

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