On 8/17/2024 at 11:31 AM, since83 said:Walmart charged me for this figure, so I thought it'd be shipped by now. Looking forward to getting this one!
Yeah weird me as well, and other Canadians who pro-ordered this, I got charged a few days ago, but no movement, Sometimes Walmart just does a test charge to see if your card is valid, I've had that before, but also does mean they plan on releasing the figure sometime soon a lot of the time, really hard to tell with Walmart. I still see it said September release on the Canadian website....
Walmart charged me for this figure, so I thought it'd be shipped by now. Looking forward to getting this one!
I can't stand the creepy smile on that unhelmeted head, it's so awkward, It's a nice figure anyways and I did preorder it for the sake of it being an Xavier for my collection, but seeing it side by side with Classic Hover Chair Xavier, it just makes me continue to want that figure...I wish they'd just re-release it.
I can't say I'm a fan of the cell shading on the helmet. Close up, it looks like one that has chipped away and faded over time
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