ToyFarce News: Hasbro Unveils Marvel Legends Secret Wars wave... But It's Not A Secret Anymore!

ToyFarce News: Hasbro Unveils Marvel Legends Secret Wars wave... But It's Not A Secret Anymore!

Nick G - September 16, 2024

The Hasbro Pulse 2024 event took place last friday, and in an ironic twist that left Marvel fans chuckling and toy collectors scrambling for pre-orders, the Marvel Legends team unveiled a highly anticipated 'Secret Wars' wave, blowing the cover of everyone involved in the process. Now, it's not so secret anymore... ToyFarce investigated...

"Yeah, I mean, it was supposed to be a SECRET war, right?" said one perplexed collector, scratching his head as the figure wave's flashy stop motion video and bright colored, overly revealing packaging are blasted all across social media. "Now it's all over the internet! There's literally nothing secret about it at all! "


Hasbro's Marvel Legends team showed off the wave in all its glory, with figures of Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine with brown suit, Spider-man with symbiote suit, Titania and the Beyonder, complete with accessories that include the lenticular shield, a lovely callback to the old Mattel toy line. Hasbro has since sent an official statement about the wave not being secret anymore: "We really thought about not revealing it at all, keeping it really on-brand with the 'Secret Wars' name, but we realized that we'd rather sell figures than keep a secret."


Despite the lack of secrecy, collectors pre-ordered en masse the new wave after the Hasbro Pulse event. A source told ToyFarce that scalpers are also doing their part, trying to gather as many of the figures as they can in order to sell them at double the price, keeping the figures effectively 'secret' from collectors. "We're just trying to help Hasbro keep the wave exclusive and restricted!"

More news at 11:00... "It's the worst kept secret in toy history!"
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!


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