TNI Reader Review: 6" Iron Spidey
Jay Cochran - December 09, 2006
Review by: Leroy
Feeling a little off about Hasbro’s new Marvel stuff? I know I was until I saw this on the shelf. When I saw this initially On TNI I thought that there’s no way im going to get this. I just felt that that they looked like the old old Toybiz stuff, thankfully I was wrong. So here’s a little review of what I thought as well as some pics. Enjoy
Packaging - *** 0ut of 5
The packaging is ok and initially what caught my eye it’s a little brighter than the original Spidey classics but till a Blister card and features some art By Todd McFarlane, Brian hitch as well as the Movie Art. Has a nice little right up regarding the how’s and why’s of Spideys new suit as well as asking us “to please welcome your friendly neighborhood IRON SPIDERMAN!”
Sculpting/ Articulation - *** Out of 5
Great! The Figure looks really good, with the yellow spider on his chest is decently sculpted as are the eyes and uhhh bracelets around his wrists. The attack claws on his back are very nicely done but are quite flimsy. He has about 40 points of articulation (including his fingers and the attack claws), where He really suffers is there’s no swivel wrist joint so getting him in the traditional Web slinging pose is difficult. On his back where the Claws are held is a nice little box if you will that helps to hold the claws in place, with out this they would just droop. His leg Joints are good but the Hip swivel will ware away the paint if moved to frequently. Pretty much everything else is up to standard with most other marvel legends figures.
Paint - *** out of 5
This is the part where the figure takes a dive. As the packet says Spidey has an “Exclusive Supermetal finish” which looks good aside from where the most of the joints are, Around the knees, Hips and fingers its starting to scratch away. But that’s not what brings the figure down, the big draw back is the yellow on the chest and around the eyes. In some places the paint looks as though it has been slapped on. I was considering going over with some gold but I’ll leave that to our true customisers like Jin and FUGAYZIE.
Value - ** out of 5
In Australia we have to pay $14.99 (finally got lucky at my local TRU) for them but I have seen them as high $17.99. Value wise this isn’t really that great, maybe if he came with a sculpted bas instead of the disc with the “origins” logo on it I’d have felt that it was worth the $15 I paid.
Overall - *** ˝ out of 5
Overall I like the figure, despite the flaws that we could only hope that Hasbro would weed out.
He’s relatively in scale with most other ML’s though I think he’s a tad to tall.
He is definitely the stand out figure in the line, walking over the rest of the figures like they are nothing. Go out and get him as he is sure to be the one that everyone is going to want.
Best of luck on the Hunt
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