Marvel Legends Classic Stealth Iron Man 6" Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Classic Stealth Iron Man 6" Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - July 13, 2021
ShartimusPrime takes a look at the new Marvel Legends 6" Classic Stealth Iron Man figure from Hasbro. You can purchase this figure from our sponsor

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2021-07-14 @ 7:15 am

At least there is no sign of the crotch rot some of the other reviewers mentioned

Atlantis - 2021-07-14 @ 6:22 am
On 7/13/2021 at 7:53 PM, Jeddostotle7 said:

To me, the colors are not at all the problem. While it's blue, it's a much darker blue than pretty much any other Stealth Iron Man figure, and I think it captures the effect of the colors in the comic really nicely. My complaint is pretty much purely the complaint about the sculpt that others have. I think just retooling the forearms, shins, and chest to give those slanted ring elements rather than the straight ones of the Classic armor would'be been sufficient.

Don't forget....the first appearance of the Stealth armor had a oval backpack and wave modifiers that thwart radar rays that housed the force field tech for his "invisibility" (to radar anyway). Its still a cool looking figure. I'm hoping we'll see Iron Man NOW next.

ADour - 2021-07-14 @ 5:42 am
On 7/14/2021 at 12:48 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

All of your gripes remaining true, I still like this for what it is, this is the toy colors, yah..they can't get over the fact this was an ink trick, it was black.. but blue shade effects, but seems like the toys have just since the dawn gone with the blue, it's fine to me, I love the blue..also yeah they could have given it shoulder pauldrons, not sure why they didn't since they are the same ones Silver Centurian has, wrong color arc reactor, helmet design... but we know Hasbro gonna do Hasbro, and well toys going to be toys.. always just using the Sealth suit as a repaint vessel, but however I think it's a good looking figure for what it is, a new toy style stealth suit IM.

Yeah, I know. I like said, I'm beating a dead horse. Hasbro is gonna Hasbro, but I have to admit that after their Silver Centurion featured an impressive amount of retooling, I hyped myself up with the possibility they were going to do the Stealth Armor justice.

I will admit that the figure looks nice, though. Maybe since the Stealth Armor has also come to be drawn like a repainted Classic Armor in a few comics I might eventually cut this figure some slack.

Jeddostotle7 - 2021-07-14 @ 3:53 am

To me, the colors are not at all the problem. While it's blue, it's a much darker blue than pretty much any other Stealth Iron Man figure, and I think it captures the effect of the colors in the comic really nicely. My complaint is pretty much purely the complaint about the sculpt that others have. I think just retooling the forearms, shins, and chest to give those slanted ring elements rather than the straight ones of the Classic armor would'be been sufficient.

Lord_Scareglow - 2021-07-14 @ 3:48 am
On 7/13/2021 at 10:00 PM, ADour said:

I've already beaten this horse to death so... Blah blah inaccurate sculpt blah blah inaccurate colors blah blah I will see of dying this figure black so at least its colors are comic-accurate.

All of your gripes remaining true, I still like this for what it is, this is the toy colors, yah..they can't get over the fact this was an ink trick, it was black.. but blue shade effects, but seems like the toys have just since the dawn gone with the blue, it's fine to me, I love the blue..also yeah they could have given it shoulder pauldrons, not sure why they didn't since they are the same ones Silver Centurian has, wrong color arc reactor, helmet design... but we know Hasbro gonna do Hasbro, and well toys going to be toys.. always just using the Sealth suit as a repaint vessel, but however I think it's a good looking figure for what it is, a new toy style stealth suit IM.

ADour - 2021-07-14 @ 2:00 am

I've already beaten this horse to death so... Blah blah inaccurate sculpt blah blah inaccurate colors blah blah I will see of dying this figure black so at least its colors are comic-accurate.

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