Marvel Legends Controller BAF Wave Blue Marvel Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Controller BAF Wave Blue Marvel Figure Video Review And Images

Jay Cochran - May 24, 2022
Dan Who? Reviews takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Controller Build-A-Figure Wave Blue Marvel figure from Hasbro. You can purchase this figure from our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2022-05-26 @ 8:32 am
On 5/25/2022 at 11:38 PM, leokearon said:

Too true but Hasbro are clearly set in their ways.

Ah, but if this is their way, my way is to Walk away.

Hard to fathom how they can get figures like Maverick, Psycho-Man, Hercules and War Machine so right....and then churn out the likes of Dormammu and Madame Hydra.

I would've gladly bought her and Siryn. But you can't wet on my leg and tell me it's raining.

leokearon - 2022-05-26 @ 7:38 am
On 5/25/2022 at 11:08 PM, Atlantis said:

Right. Like the "fireballs", even though his powers don't reflect like that.

Dormammu's face. Siryn's lack of sonic scream. Firelord and Silver Surfer on the same body they use for Shang-Chi. These are needless errors that detract from the collecting experience. Hasbro's been in the action figure game too long to be making these kinds of mistakes, and on top of that they wanna charge more??

Details matter.

Too true but Hasbro are clearly set in their ways.

Satam - 2022-05-25 @ 10:18 pm

His jacket's too short, too. Damn shame, because like so many others, it would have been an incredible figure with a little better attention to detail. The headsculpt is really quite excellent. I guess I'll wait for his "classic" look, too.

Atlantis - 2022-05-25 @ 10:08 pm
On 5/25/2022 at 8:32 AM, leokearon said:

Didn't even notice the hair, looks he is dying it

Right. Like the "fireballs", even though his powers don't reflect like that.

Dormammu's face. Siryn's lack of sonic scream. Firelord and Silver Surfer on the same body they use for Shang-Chi. These are needless errors that detract from the collecting experience. Hasbro's been in the action figure game too long to be making these kinds of mistakes, and on top of that they wanna charge more??

Details matter.

leokearon - 2022-05-25 @ 4:32 pm
On 5/25/2022 at 10:11 AM, Atlantis said:

Not the Blue Marvel I wanted. I thought we'd get his classic (can a retcon character even have a "classic" look?) outfit first. Even the name "Blue Marvel" sounds like something out of the Golden Age, or very early Silver Age, of comics. However a lot of people like this updated look too. Sadly .....and I'm not surprised at hasbro here...they somehow jacked up his hair. For some reason, Hasbro has a problem with getting white/greying at the temples hair correct. They can get it done for Rogue, but foul it up for Mr. Fantastic and now Blue Marvel. Still, looks like a very good figure.

Didn't even notice the hair, looks he is dying it

Atlantis - 2022-05-25 @ 9:11 am

Not the Blue Marvel I wanted. I thought we'd get his classic (can a retcon character even have a "classic" look?) outfit first. Even the name "Blue Marvel" sounds like something out of the Golden Age, or very early Silver Age, of comics. However a lot of people like this updated look too. Sadly .....and I'm not surprised at hasbro here...they somehow jacked up his hair. For some reason, Hasbro has a problem with getting white/greying at the temples hair correct. They can get it done for Rogue, but foul it up for Mr. Fantastic and now Blue Marvel. Still, looks like a very good figure.

leokearon - 2022-05-25 @ 7:04 am

Finally Blue Marvel and with that my dream Avenger team will be complete. Though seriously the fireballs again, that's not how his powers work.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-05-25 @ 2:23 am

This figure is definitely a nice addition to the Legends series, I'm surprised it's been this long a wait for Blue Marvel, this figure is certainly looking good, I'm happy they went with this look for him, this is my personal favourite outfit for Blue Marvel, and I'm happy to get this guy in my collection, now I'm wondering when we will see his greatest foe Anti-Man in figure form.

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