Marvel Legends Series Hank Pym (Giant-Man) & Janet Van Dyne (Wasp) Figures Review And Images

Marvel Legends Series Hank Pym (Giant-Man) & Janet Van Dyne (Wasp) Figures Review And Images

Outsiders - April 15, 2024
GeekHangover takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Series Hank Pym (Giant-Man) & Janet Van Dyne (Wasp) Figures from Hasbro. This set is available for pre-order exclusively from Hasbro Pulse in the United States.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
AndyL - 2024-04-16 @ 1:29 pm

Wow. Just the simple fact that GeekHangover doesn't understand that the body model used for Hank is absolutely not the Vulcan mold is ridiculous. He's never been a particular favorite reviewer of mine but seriously how does someone get this far and build up a channel and not know this kind of basic info? At first I thought he just misspoke as some reviewers sometimes do and expected him to come correct sometime during the video or maybe even an addendum at the end of the video. But that wasn't the case. He said several things during the video that made it clear that he indeed meant to be speaking of the Vulcan model and then he goes on to be extremely critical of not only them using it for this figure but the body model as a whole. This is clearly the SUNFIRE BODY MODEL and I assure you if they had actually used the Vulcan model the head sculpt wouldn't have looked nearly as large as he points out. The Vulcan model has larger shoulders and thicker and slightly longer legs which would make the head look more in scale. As far as the Wasp I don't understand the rationale for how they do a flying character with little to no torso articulation like this one and then go on to do a another flying character like Warbird with ultra articulation for absolutely no reason is just crazy to me. Maybe it has something to do with the wings. I don't know. All I know is Hasbro is all over the place these days. I guess it's good they aren't using the same model for every figure but for my count there are at least four variations of the Vulcan model and after the introduction of the new Spider-Man body model this Sunfire model just needs to get scrapped. But this body seems to be Hasbro's go-to for a lot of these multi-packs for some reason. I was going to get this set but based on the use of the Sunfire body and the senseless articulation choice for the Wasp I think I'll pass or at least wait to see if it goes on sale. The Ant-Man and Wasp from the Retro collections will do me just fine. It's going to take a lot more than a pretty face portrait to get my money.

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