Deadpool & Wolverine Marvel Legends Wolverine Action Figure Video Review And Images

Deadpool & Wolverine Marvel Legends Wolverine Action Figure Video Review And Images

Outsiders - October 22, 2024
MCUcollector24 takes a look at the Deadpool & Wolverine Marvel Legends Wolverine Action Figure from Hasbro. This figure is available for purchase through our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2024-10-23 @ 3:55 am
On 10/22/2024 at 7:20 PM, MCUcollector24 said:

To avoid spoilers. Similar to Spider-Man No Way Home, very few figures initially and then later there were more. I don't know that we will get more figures later, but that's likely the reason why.

For sure this was why, it's the exact same situation as No Way Home, I'm sure a year from now we will have a whole stack of figures, this movie was far too popular not to, This movie is still playing in theatres here.

I don't get why so many people are shocked at the lack of DPxW figures, we have seen this play out before.

All I want is a Lady Deadpool, just give me Wanda and I'm good, I don't even collect movie figures.

MCUcollector24 - 2024-10-22 @ 11:20 pm
On 10/22/2024 at 6:44 AM, jscottt991 said:

I'm surprised how little support from Legends this film has gotten. I don't really buy MCU figures (I have a few Black Widows that I regret buying and that's it), but I would really like a Lady Deadpool figure. Her film costume is better than the comic version.

To avoid spoilers. Similar to Spider-Man No Way Home, very few figures initially and then later there were more. I don't know that we will get more figures later, but that's likely the reason why.

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-10-22 @ 7:21 pm

It's good for what it is, but it's certainly not the best they can do, this figure needs some dirty, and that masked facial expression is just weird, they did a pretty good job with the unmasked likeness, I don't do Movie figures, but I'm almost tempted to do figures for this movie,

I definitely think they will do another Wolverine, likely a dirty version, probably a sleeveless , they have not even scratched the surface with figures for this movie and this is a bankable film, they must have a ton on the horizon.

JohnF - 2024-10-22 @ 2:06 pm
On 10/22/2024 at 4:42 PM, since83 said:

Agreed. He's cool, but not perfect. The build isn't quite there. Most likely a sleeveless version is coming, but who knows. You woulda thought we'd already have, or have announced, a Cassandra Nova, NicePool with Dogpool, Gambit, Human Torch, ect.

Yeah I was hoping for some kind of announcement at least. Right now the most likely scenario is that we'll get more in a few years...

jscottt991 - 2024-10-22 @ 1:44 pm
On 10/22/2024 at 9:42 AM, since83 said:

Agreed. He's cool, but not perfect. The build isn't quite there. Most likely a sleeveless version is coming, but who knows. You woulda thought we'd already have, or have announced, a Cassandra Nova, NicePool with Dogpool, Gambit, Human Torch, ect.

I'm surprised how little support from Legends this film has gotten. I don't really buy MCU figures (I have a few Black Widows that I regret buying and that's it), but I would really like a Lady Deadpool figure. Her film costume is better than the comic version.

since83 - 2024-10-22 @ 1:42 pm
On 10/22/2024 at 6:20 AM, JohnF said:

I really like how this looks, but I can't help but think that another, better one is coming down the line.

Agreed. He's cool, but not perfect. The build isn't quite there. Most likely a sleeveless version is coming, but who knows. You woulda thought we'd already have, or have announced, a Cassandra Nova, NicePool with Dogpool, Gambit, Human Torch, ect.

JohnF - 2024-10-22 @ 11:20 am

I really like how this looks, but I can't help but think that another, better one is coming down the line.

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