Captain America: The Winter Soldier MAFEX No.220 Captain America (Classic Suit) Action Figure Video Review And Images

Captain America: The Winter Soldier MAFEX No.220 Captain America (Classic Suit) Action Figure Video Review And Images

Outsiders - October 14, 2024
MCUcollector24 takes a look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier MAFEX No.220 Captain America (Classic Suit) Action Figure from Medicom Toys. This figure is available for purchase through our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2024-10-17 @ 3:50 pm

No these faces are just horrific, that is not Chris Evans, that nose, on the masked head, the unmasked head isn't even remotely accurate, that's some other guy, that's cosplayer bob newton at comic con. They usually don't do great face likeness with SHF Movie figures, remember Chris Evans looked bad last time, and if I can recall the last Captain Marvel was rough.

but the weird thing is this other cap from Winter Soldier actually looks good, and so does Bucky, it's like they have multiple different people doing these figures, No consistency. For the price these things are you'd think they'd try harder.

memocromatico - 2024-10-16 @ 1:04 am

Helmeted he looks ok... ish.

AndyL - 2024-10-15 @ 1:36 pm

For a toy line that used to get so much praise for their accurate face portraits these are pretty darn atrocious. They have officially been passed over by ML and Hasbro. There aren't even that many accessories anymore either. There is literally no reason for this figure to exist.

icematta - 2024-10-15 @ 3:12 am


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