The mighty Thor, imprisoned on the other side of the universe, now finds himself fighting against his Avengers teammate, the Hulk! Get excited for the upcoming film Thor: Ragnarok, releasing November 3rd, 2017, with Thor: Ragnarok Mystery Minis, Dorbz, Plush, Keychains and Pop! vinyl from Funko. Collect Thor, the Hulk, Loki, Hela, Grandmaster, Valkyrie, Heimdall and many more! Collect them all this August. You can pre-order these now at
Mystery Mini: Thor Ragnarok S1
Look for GameStop and Hot Topic Exclusive Mystery Minis!
Dorbz: Thor Ragnarok S1
The Hulk is limited to 5,000 pieces!
Thor Ragnarok Dorbz exclusives are available at Walgreens, Hot Topic, and Book-A-Million!
Hero Plushies: Thor Ragnarok S1
Pop! Keychain Thor Ragnarok
Pop! Thor Ragnarok S1
Check out these great Pop! exclusives! Available at Hot Topic, Toys “R” Us, Walmart, GameStop, and Target!