UPDATE: Dewi sends word this figure is likely based on a more recent appearance of Black Panther in the comics than from the movie as we originally thought. While Panther does sport this look in the upcoming film, it does look more like the comic book version after closer inspection. Marvel even made one of their action figure variant covers for this look.
Marvel Legends 6" Walmart Exclusive Black Panther Hero Panther Figure From Hasbro
Marvel Legends 6" Walmart Exclusive Black Panther Hero Panther Figure From Hasbro
Robotkingdom has revealed images for the
Marvel Legends 6" Walmart Exclusive Black Panther Movie Hero Panther figure. We told you about the listing for this figure
last month, but had no images of it.
Robotkingdom who is an overseas etailer will have this figure available at the beginning of January while it us unknown when Walmart stores here in the US will have it available for release. At this point Hasbro has yet to even officially announce the figure.
Marvel Legends 6" Walmart Exclusive Black Panther Hero Panther Figure From Hasbro
Marvel Legends 6" Walmart Exclusive Black Panther Movie Panther Figure From Hasbro
The figure is based on this design of the suit as seen in the upcoming movie with the energy effect surging through the suit.