Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse POP Vinyl Figures & More From Funko

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse POP Vinyl Figures & More From Funko

Jay Cochran - October 01, 2018
Celebrate the imminent release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with your favorite teenage Super Hero and his allies and Super Villains. A 12-piece Mystery Mini series includes Miles Morales with a cape, Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen, an additional Spider-Man, Prowler, Scorpion, Kingpin, Miles Morales unmasked, a third Miles Morales and Green Goblin with rarities ranging from 1/6 to 1/72.

An additional Mystery Mini available exclusively through Walgreens includes Miles Morales with a cape, Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, Spider-Gwen, an additional Spider-Man, Prowler, Scorpion, Kingpin, Miles Morales unmasked, a third Miles Morales and Green Goblin with rarities ranging from 1/6 to 1/72.

The story continues with two Pop! versions of Miles Morales, Green Goblin, Prowler, Spider-Gwen, a jumping Peter Parker, and Spider-Man Noir! Spider-Ham and Spider-Man Noir can be found at Walgreens! Look for these on shelves now.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
americamgl - 2018-10-03 @ 3:25 am

Cool, but I always disliked that Marvel's and Star Wars' Pops were bobble heads. Wish they were the standard swivel heads. Maybe some of you like the bobble heads instead?

Hogun - 2018-10-03 @ 1:43 am

Why does the Scorpion look like Kratos?

Falls22 - 2018-10-02 @ 7:28 pm

From the toys that weve seen so far it seems like Scorpion, Kingoin, and Green Goblin May be the most prominent villains of the film?

Batbishop - 2018-10-01 @ 7:00 pm

I might get these

Supersmashfox64 - 2018-10-01 @ 4:47 pm

I like that they did two versions of Spiderman Noir! The hat look is one that wasn't really too prevalent in the comics, but is one that people know about, so it's nice that they're catering to that look.

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