#NYCC 2018 - Tamashii Nations Marvel Based Figures

#NYCC 2018 - Tamashii Nations Marvel Based Figures

Jay Cochran - October 05, 2018
Shown below are the Marvel based figures on hand at the 2018 NYCC Tamashii Nations booth. Shown are S.H. Figuarts and Movie Realization figures though nothing new we haven't seen before.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
fleskz - 2018-10-19 @ 4:41 pm

Saw most of these at Chicago comicon. They are Pieces of Art. So beautiful and shiny and detailed.

anindrew - 2018-10-16 @ 10:17 pm

Is it just me or does Winter Soldier's face look far better here than what was originally shown?

At the same time, while not shown in the attached pics, Falcon's face appeared to be some odd non-accurate face that doesn't match the promo pics. I imagine the accurate one is what will actually be released.

Falls22 - 2018-10-07 @ 5:13 pm

That Hulk is a much better and needed improvement from the previous figuartsone. Got the color right this time and a better head sculpt as well.

jinxthejiv23 - 2018-10-07 @ 2:25 pm

These figures are so cool looking. If they are anything like their S.i.C line i know these will be just as good

GojiBill - 2018-10-07 @ 1:59 am
2 hours ago, The Mad Bubbler said:

As a MCU Hulk, I don't love this Hulk, but it DOES look like a cool comic-based Hulk, as someone mentioned. Other than that, these are beautiful figures. I'd rather get 4 and 1/2 Marvel Legends that one of these, but if someone has the budget, they are fantastic.

Yesssss!!!! Figures like Green Goblin and Dr. Doom would be amazing. I'd love to see, in particular, their interpretations of Rocket, Groot, Dr. Strange, and Thanos.

All great suggestions. Love to see unlikey characters as well. Go wild, give us Samurai Hulk, Abomination, Wendigo, etc. Just crazy awesome designs.

The Mad Bubbler - 2018-10-06 @ 11:46 pm

As a MCU Hulk, I don't love this Hulk, but it DOES look like a cool comic-based Hulk, as someone mentioned. Other than that, these are beautiful figures. I'd rather get 4 and 1/2 Marvel Legends that one of these, but if someone has the budget, they are fantastic.

22 hours ago, GojiBill said:

I love the Samurai themed figures. Hope to continue with it and make more of the villains.

Yesssss!!!! Figures like Green Goblin and Dr. Doom would be amazing. I'd love to see, in particular, their interpretations of Rocket, Groot, Dr. Strange, and Thanos.

Sam1402 - 2018-10-06 @ 9:37 pm

I need to get that hulk buster I think I looks to be in scale with most other lines

Hordak Rules - 2018-10-06 @ 8:40 pm

What exactly is that thing Winter Soldier is hitting?

jurassiczilla2000 - 2018-10-06 @ 1:43 pm

I'm really liking that Infinity War Hulk. Might buy that one for my MCU display.

Abbbbbbbsssssss - 2018-10-06 @ 8:40 am

Need to have that hulkbuster infinity war version.

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