Hot Toys are always SO beautiful and perfect! After I win the lottery, I'm gonna own ALL of them! FASVB - 2018-10-13 @ 5:39 am
To me the likeness is not spot on as the previous figures. Overall the Infinity War figures don't quite nail the face. The rest is perfect as always, but the faces are off. This one has that thing that when looking straight on doesn't look at all like Sebastian Stan, but from certain angles it does look like him. Off course we know that is Bucky, but the face is just off. The best one so far, but still not quite right. Can't wait to see how is this "disintegrating mechanical arm" thing. Must be like the regular arm, but missing some bits and pieces and with that "rust" effect. Should have accompanied a surprised look face or something. The accessories are a bit lacking to be honest.
I've never been a huge fan of bucky, and i still am not (he's the only avenger I don't have a marvel legends of, including villains), but this is absolutely AMAZING!! The face/head sculpt is one of the best I've ever seen!
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