ok random question guys
does anyone know if that type of leather cap was actually real and used in ww2? ive been trying to google it and research it but I haven't really found anything close.
18 minutes ago, belmont13 said:True but I'll still get this one since I want "clean" versions of the big 3 outfits from Endgame.
yea its a must have for me, I hope the paint apps are good!
5 hours ago, michiganjfrog said:yep! im bummed out it didn't come with the infinity hand, but im sure that's being saved until later with a battle damaged version
True but I'll still get this one since I want "clean" versions of the big 3 outfits from Endgame.
5 hours ago, belmont13 said:Is that the Endgame Iron Man? That's my most wanted from the wave.
yep! im bummed out it didn't come with the infinity hand, but im sure that's being saved until later with a battle damaged version
On 8/12/2019 at 7:42 PM, michiganjfrog said:yea mine too, I think just the mark 80 iron man is above this in terms of what I want this year
Is that the Endgame Iron Man? That's my most wanted from the wave.
29 minutes ago, belmont13 said:This is one of my most desired items this year, I collect everything Cap and this looks so good.
yea mine too, I think just the mark 80 iron man is above this in terms of what I want this year
This is one of my most desired items this year, I collect everything Cap and this looks so good.
Wish it came with an unasked head
this set is so cool, thanks for the review & pics
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