I know what you mean, I get excited for the next season and then bam! cancelled.
4 hours ago, belmont13 said:I would love an Orson Randall figure and he was even in the Iron Fist series, sort of.
yea, that ending had me so hyped! what a tease
17 hours ago, michiganjfrog said:a display with this cap, union jack a WW2 wolvie and orson randall, that would be cool
the bike would be the centerpiece
I would love an Orson Randall figure and he was even in the Iron Fist series, sort of.
I wish the shield was the same as the movie one.
a display with this cap, union jack a WW2 wolvie and orson randall, that would be cool
the bike would be the centerpiece
I agree Memocromatico, the bike is the attraction. Looking at the pics I see that Wolverine took caps old bike from 1942 and pimped his ride. Now that would be a great WHAT IF, what if Cap and Wolverine met in WW2 and fought against Zemo and Redskull? Or did they already make that in animation in the 90's? Getting hard to remember these days.
looking at the comparison pic, crazy how much better this WW2 cap is than the other
Just for the bike alone, this set is TOTALLY worth it.
Man, I love this guy. I think he's probably my favorite Legend from 2019 so far.
Easy Pass. There have been far better Cap figures.
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