Why can't I find this for preorder on BigBad or other online stores? I thought they imported all Figuarts figs?
Will this only be available via Japanese sites?
Is this to be the same with the just announced Endgame-Thor fig; Japan sites only?
When this was announced I thought id pass and wait for Mafex to release this suit since Ive been buying the mafex spiderman figures over the SHF but they really brought their A game with this one, might have to pick it up now.
Got gifted the SHF Iron Spider, and mildly disappointed because I knew how aesthetically better Mafex was...but this 2.0 is a vast improvement, still will have to wait on Mafex's rendition, but a great figure from SHF for sure!
That would be a great mold for a new Superior Spiderman !!!!
7 hours ago, JayC said:MCUcollector24 takes a look at the new S.H. Figuarts Spider-Man: Far From Home Upgrade Suit figure from Tamashii Nations.
Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
I love this suit design, I never get tired of seeing it
the only negative thing I see is the gappy shoulder joints
This version is so much better better than the homecoming one.
Dude that figure looks epic.
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