Black Widow Movie S.H. Figuarts Black Widow (Snow Suit) Figure Official Images And Details

Black Widow Movie S.H. Figuarts Black Widow (Snow Suit) Figure Official Images And Details

Jay Cochran - July 08, 2021
Shown below are official images for the Black Widow Movie S.H. Figuarts Black Widow (Snow Suit) figure from Tamashii Nations which will be released in December. The figure comes with multiple hands, 2 pistols and her whip/Baton weapon she uses in the new movie. Check out the new images below. You can pre-order this figure now from our sponsor
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JayC - 2021-07-08 @ 6:36 am








JohnF - 2021-07-03 @ 10:00 am
On 7/2/2021 at 11:38 PM, Atlantis said:

She and almost all their female figures need serious updating. Hasbro has been really killing it on faces lately, but they need to remember that just like with the male figs, there's a variety of body types for women. Captain America, Spider-Man and Thor for example all have different body types, and you wouldn't try to put one on the other. So Black Widow shouldn't be on the same/similar buck as Kate Bishop.

I very much agree with you here. I think every figure shouldhave it's own body mold, because like you said Black Widow and Kate Bishop shouldn't look like copies of each other.

Atlantis - 2021-07-02 @ 8:38 pm
On 6/26/2021 at 4:35 AM, JohnF said:

Wondering if Hasbro will get to update her. Boththis look and the classic black could use an update.

She and almost all their female figures need serious updating. Hasbro has been really killing it on faces lately, but they need to remember that just like with the male figs, there's a variety of body types for women. Captain America, Spider-Man and Thor for example all have different body types, and you wouldn't try to put one on the other. So Black Widow shouldn't be on the same/similar buck as Kate Bishop.

WeaponXXX - 2021-06-27 @ 7:19 pm
On 6/26/2021 at 1:07 PM, Hammer1905 said:

I really hope Hasbro does an update for her. Give her proper hair and an updated head with the better face scan and proper hair for the black suit.

I agree I have the Hasbro ultimate black widow with the white suit I wish she had her braid/ponytail hairstyle also with her recent movie black suit the hair and removing/placing her batons in and from her back are the only issues I have with the figures

Hammer1905 - 2021-06-26 @ 5:07 pm

I really hope Hasbro does an update for her. Give her proper hair and an updated head with the better face scan and proper hair for the black suit.

JohnF - 2021-06-26 @ 12:35 pm

Wondering if Hasbro will get to update her. Boththis look and the classic black could use an update.

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