2022 Hasbro Pulse-Con Marvel Legends panel has begun which you can watch here. We will be bringing you coverage of any new product reveals below as they happen with info and images. Look for new products to go up at 6pm ET for pre-order at places like our sponsors and
Entertainment Earth.
The Pulse Exclusive Iron Man on Retro Cardback with Plasma Cannon we showed you earlier today is being revealed.
The Stream seems to have crashed.
Its back showing a 3 3/4 Blaze Ghost Rider.
Going over the Haslab. Showing Mephisto. Will have alternate hands. Campaign needs 12k Backers to be included. The second tier is teased. The item shown over Mehpisto's hand looks like part of The Goblin Queens Outfit. So Goblin Queen is likely the next stretch goal after Mephisto.
Orb is not a tier and will be released in 2023 which will be part of the next Avengers comic wave.
Molecule Man is double Pin-Less which will also be part of the Avengers wave with Orb.
Final Villain Walgreens exclusive is Moonstone. Double Pin-Less arms.
Disney+ What If Warrior Gamora coming in 2023.
X-Men Retro Cardback Wolverine in Yellow And Blue Outfit part of a wave. This wave goes up for pre-order today at 6pm ET. Also part of this wave and has star effect in the eye.Multiple Man in classic look. Dark Phoenix on Purple Card, Avalanche, Finally for the wave Spiral.
Showing the X-Men 60th Anniversary 3-packs of - 3 Pack (Forge, Jubilee, Storm All Of Which Will Be In Yellow Suits) and 3 Pack (Banshee, Gambit Psylocke All Of Which Will Be In Yellow Suits). They showed Storm and Banshee which will have two likenesses.
They showed a Stryfe helmet for a new Stryfe figure. This will be part of a X-Men 60th Anniversary 5-pack. 5 Pack (Stryfe, Vertigo, Pretty Boy, Random, Zero)
X-Men Animated VHS Series Cyclpps which is a Pulse Exclusive. Goes up today at 5pm ET for premium members and 6pm ET for everyone.
2023 they will be doing Spider-Man Animated Series VHS figures while X-Men will go on Hiatus. They showed Black Costume Spider-Man and Carnage packaging.
Doc Ock with Bendy Wires might happen. This might be the No Way Home Deluxe Doc Ock that should be coming.
They teased the Starjammers. The next X-Men Comic Wave will be see Astonishing Cyclops ,Astonishing Emma Frost, Corsair, Kid Omega, Monet, Chamber and Fang
Walmart Exclusive Comic 1st Appearance Star-Lord. Will go up on Oct 6 for the
Walmart-Collector Con event.
Panel ends.