Painting teeth is a great option, now it really gives me Clayton Crain look aa nd it's pretty easyto do too, especially due to nature of symbiote there's no need for accuracy in painting.
On 5/27/2024 at 1:00 PM, leokearon said:Been quite busty with other projects
well it was much appreciated you took some time to do this, since I was kinda itching to see it, and I knew it was going to look better, well for me anyways I won't speak for anyone else, but Carnage with pearly whites weirds me out.
On 5/27/2024 at 5:55 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:Funny I was wondering when You would do this.

Been quite busty with other projects
On 5/27/2024 at 12:30 PM, leokearon said:Decided to see how it would look with Black Teeth.

Funny I was wondering when You would do this.

Decided to see how it would look with Black Teeth.

While I do like this figure, I can understand where a lot of collectors are coming from in being dissatisfied with the design. In particular, I'm not a fan of the claws on the feet on any of the symbiote figures. I can live with the white teeth as I still think the figure looks cool but definitely not true to Carnage's classic look.
Kinda sad that the best Carnage, is still the first one, no fingers in the feet, no excess of veins, black teeths, maybe the second was better for the Cletus head and extra axe but here in Mexico that was extremely rare, yeah I ddont care the joints as far they have the design right!
On 4/26/2024 at 1:20 PM, Reno said:I missed it also. I wouldn't say there was necessarily a mistake. I think it's been pretty well documented that Hasbro is going to reduce the quantity of figures that they make. Target has also been pretty blatant about ordering less, if they order at all. These are the repercussions of having to clearance out so much product. With that being said, I do expect this figure to become available again online closer to the release date, and I do expect to see some product in physical stores.
As collectors we might just have to adjust a bit as product runs get smaller and are less widely distributed. I think manufacturers/retailers have reached the point where they would rather under-produce/under-order than end up with so much product hitting clearance prices and having to offload excess product for pennies on the dollar to places like Ollies, Ross, Kids Warehouse and bin stores like they have had to do in recent years.
That's a great point. I was just surprised to see it sell out in such a short time. I haven't lost hope either though. Like you, I anticipate that it will go up for sale again, at the very least, when it starts shipping. Carnage is such a popular character, it makes sense that he would sell out quickly. Thanks for the feedback!
On 4/26/2024 at 3:20 PM, Reno said:I missed it also. I wouldn't say there was necessarily a mistake. I think it's been pretty well documented that Hasbro is going to reduce the quantity of figures that they make. Target has also been pretty blatant about ordering less, if they order at all. These are the repercussions of having to clearance out so much product. With that being said, I do expect this figure to become available again online closer to the release date, and I do expect to see some product in physical stores.
As collectors we might just have to adjust a bit as product runs get smaller and are less widely distributed. I think manufacturers/retailers have reached the point where they would rather under-produce/under-order than end up with so much product hitting clearance prices and having to offload excess product for pennies on the dollar to places like Ollies, Ross, Kids Warehouse and bin stores like they have had to do in recent years.
That is why I decided to preorder/buy what I want this year as soon as possible. I still see people saying I'll just wait for it to go on clearance. That ain't happening this year, and I thought that this might be what happened with carnage and seems so. I missed him cause he went up earlier than expected and I'm sure we will get another shot at him, but now I'm thinking about the warbird going up and fret having to go through Target to get her! Point is if you want something this year you should not think with a clearance mentality.
Reno -
2024-04-26 @ 8:20 pm
On 4/25/2024 at 4:48 PM, raziel0203 said:I'm bummed that I missed out on this one! Part of me can't help but feel like there was some type of mistake some where along the line... any thoughts?
I missed it also. I wouldn't say there was necessarily a mistake. I think it's been pretty well documented that Hasbro is going to reduce the quantity of figures that they make. Target has also been pretty blatant about ordering less, if they order at all. These are the repercussions of having to clearance out so much product. With that being said, I do expect this figure to become available again online closer to the release date, and I do expect to see some product in physical stores.
As collectors we might just have to adjust a bit as product runs get smaller and are less widely distributed. I think manufacturers/retailers have reached the point where they would rather under-produce/under-order than end up with so much product hitting clearance prices and having to offload excess product for pennies on the dollar to places like Ollies, Ross, Kids Warehouse and bin stores like they have had to do in recent years.
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