I'm good, I already saw the movie twice and I can wait for it to be released in Blu ray. I went for Endgame but that was more seeing that Epicness again rather than the added footage.
I really liked Far From Home and I've only seen it once in the theaters. So, I might go see it again during my extended Labor Day vacation.
I must certainly agree with the majority on this matter, whats the old saying? Lay down with Sony and wake up with flea's? or something to that effect.
This better not become a constant. Its a cheap way to not only gain a quick buck, but its disrescpectful to those that actually spent money and time to get tickets that opening weekend. I know that on home release they usually have bonus or deleted scenes, but this is so transparent its despicable
Don't see the point to be honest, didn't see the point of Endgame rereleae apart from trying to dethrone Avatar
2 minutes ago, Wearwolf said:Throw the extra scene on the blu-ray to encourage sales, but rereleasing it in theaters? That just looks like a greedy move to me. yea, it should be a home release bonus, I wonder if we even get that cut on the blu ray?
Throw the extra scene on the blu-ray to encourage sales, but rereleasing it in theaters? That just looks like a greedy move to me.
Okay the movie was great and all, but this is redundant. It just kind of sends a bad message. With Endgame it made sense to do that, but with Far From Home? Nah.
Sony always trying to cash-in on the trends that others do, but failing to understand what it is that made them successful in the first place.
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