The Marvel Panel at San Diego Comic Con for Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers has begun. There was about an hour delay because someone stabbed someone else with a pen in the eye for their seat in Hall H before the previous panel. The person who did the stabbing was escorted out by police. The person who was stabbed was described to have a only a minor injury.
he Captain America: The First Avenger footage looks amazing. Actor Hugo Weaving says he will be basing his portral of The Red Skill on Werner Herzog and Klaus Maria Brandauer.
Captain America: The First Avenger Director Joe Johnston says he is a big fan of comic book writer Ed Brubaker's work and it will have and his work on the Captain America comics will have influence on this movie. (Editor Remark - Lets just hope they don't use the death of Steve Rogers for that influence.)
The Cosmic Cube in Odin's Throne Room???
Footage is shown that depicts Hugo Weaving without Redskull make-up looking for Asgardian artifacts in a castle.
Kenneth Branagh explains this is his first Comic-Con, The rest of the cast then joins him.
Natalie Portman won't be in Avengers but will be in Thor sequels if they happen.
Thor footage looks good, and is in 3D. Chris Hemsworth is looking quit good as the God Of Thunder.
Thor is cast out of Asgard and fights a SHIELD welcoming party but not in costume. The Destroyer appears at the end.
Marvel's Kevin Feige announced The Punisher is back under the Marvel Studio banner and they will be doing a new Punisher movie.
An explanation for magic in the Marvel Universe, "Your ancestors called it magic. You call it science. Where I come from, they're one and the same."
Sam Jackson in a video Introduces the Avengers.
Robert Downey Jr. walks on stage who asked the audience not to stab each other till he is done.
Mark Ruffalo is Bruce Banner and Jeremy Renner is Hawkeye.

Sam Jackson & Scarlett Johansson are on stage as well with Downey Jr. Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner. Director Joss Whedon comes on stage.
Joss praises the cast and says its more than he could have ever dreamed. (Editor note - still disappointed Ed Norton won't be the hulk.)
Panel ends.
Cast photo provided by Marvel.
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