Dario Scardapane, known for his work on Netflix's Marvel series The Punisher, has been chosen as the new showrunner for Marvel Studios' Daredevil television series. The show is currently undergoing a creative overhaul, and Scardapane will play a key role in shaping its direction.
Having recently directed episodes of Loki season two, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead have been brought on board to helm the remaining episodes of Daredevil's first season on Disney+.
Originally, Daredevil: Born Again was in the midst of production in New York when it was halted due to a writers and actors strike. Upon reviewing the footage, Marvel executives decided to take the series in a new creative direction. Chris Ord and Matt Corman, who were initially leading the project as head writers, have since departed.
While some scenes and episodes that have already been shot will be retained, other serialized elements will be introduced to enhance the storytelling. Scardapane will be responsible for writing the new episodes and incorporating the existing footage.
Benson and Moorhead will bring this first season to a close as they take on the role of directing the new episodes. The exact number of episodes for this season is yet to be determined. Corman and Ord will remain involved as executive producers, contributing their expertise to the series.
The Hollywood Reporter