Based on the title I was expecting a Black Widow and Hulk pic. Pleasantly surprised at an awesome Deadpool 2 pic. Satam - 2020-06-28 @ 7:58 pm
Very artistic. The lighting, background, and composition...this reminds me of an Alex Ross painting.
Now this is just cool. Not only does it mimic the fight from Deadpool 2, but for some reason it also evokes imagery from the classic fight between Rogue, Dazzler, Longshot and Psylocke vs. Juggernaut. Not sure exactly why. Maybe it's just me.
1 hour ago, BludChylde said:This image looks sweet. Makes me want to go watch Deadpool 2 again tomorrow. Same here...Negasonic teenage would be a nice addition...but this photo is really impressive, the mood fits very well...the MCU should do justice with Juggs and be faithful to his comic look
This image looks sweet. Makes me want to go watch Deadpool 2 again tomorrow.
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