This Marvelous Custom was done by
NoodleChow who has created a custom Marvel Universe Super Skrull figure. This is how he describes the making of this figure:
"Body - Cable torso and legs.
Head - sculpted using Super Sculpey Firm then molded and cast.
Arms - Fists sculpted from scratch with Super Sculpey Firm with Apoxe Sculpt touch ups. Biceps and Elbows were modded Cable arms merged with XMO movie Wolverine's hips then sculpted over with Apoxie Sculpt. also molded and cast.
Lower Legs (invisible) - clear resin casts of original legs.
Shoulder Flair - Apoxie Sculpt
Paint - Testors Acrylics
Flames - resin casts of chopped up flame bits from a Toybiz movie Human Torch figure."
Check out the image(s) of his custom below in our
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