This takes me back to when the 90's toyline came out over here and this Logan was practically the only Wolverine available
Not sure what it is about this figure in particular, but it looks hella Dollar Tree-ish. It just looks cheap and waxy, and sloppy. Not my favorite version of Wolverine and it actually looks very little like the source material it is based off of. I know the whole training uniform team has been in high demand for a long time and I kinda get it. It was a cool story and it had been a while since the team had matching uniforms, but a large part of the appeal was the Jim Lee art, and this just doesn't translate in the slightest. Just look at the picture with the figure next to the art. "Nailed it!". Add to it the fact that this was actually a thing for like what, two and a half issues? Not all that excited for it, but I got it. Just like I got both of the three packs with the other characters, mainly for the improved Forge and the much improved Storm and Psylocke head sculpts and the only Banshee to date. Yeah, I'm a sucker, but now I'm a sucker that will have a 90's era, blink and you miss it, short lived, over celebrated X-Men in team uniforms. Now give me a roided up Lorna in the uniform and we can call it a decade. Maybe if they ever get around to redoing the Blob wave She-Hulk they can repurpose that mold to do that one too.
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