The face can be removed from the previous Kang figure, right?
@Emnems80If I was a freak for Wonder Woman, I probably would.
On 9/21/2024 at 3:37 PM, Operator said:@since83Ha, I very well could. I'm now curious if I can find a local glassblower that can make one as close to the reference as possible.
And then you'll want an invisible jet for Wonder Woman
On 9/21/2024 at 12:40 PM, Operator said:This chair's lame. I want the invisible one
It would be a lot more unique
@since83Ha, I very well could. I'm now curious if I can find a local glassblower that can make one as close to the reference as possible.
On 9/21/2024 at 6:40 AM, Operator said:This chair's lame. I want the invisible one
Well, just put him in a sitting position on a stand and boom...invisible chair!
This chair's lame. I want the invisible one
@ransomzyes, that too
I do want that chair but not for $60
If Kang had a more pinkish paint app this time instead of purple, and maybe the cape, I would've been much more tempted.
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