Strange Tales Marvel Legends Moon Knight (Build-A-Figure Blackheart) Video Review And Images

Strange Tales Marvel Legends Moon Knight (Build-A-Figure Blackheart) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - October 02, 2024
MCUcollector24 takes a look at the Strange Tales Marvel Legends Moon Knight (Build-A-Figure Blackheart) from Hasbro. This figure is available for purchase through our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
McHogan - 2024-10-08 @ 3:06 am

Id love to see a Hammond torch 2 pack. Ive been using the translucent Torch as a stand in since he does t have a flame 4 or anything else to identify him as Johnny Storm. But my ideal Hammond Torch would be non-translucent, a darker shade of red, and no facial features that was a trade mark of his early appearances.

Then the human/android in his WCA red suit with yellow trim. The closest i ever had to this look was an old 5" Johnny Storm who came in a two pack with Iceman in a set called Fire and Ice. Johnny had a red suit for some reason and was half flamed on, half off. It was easy enough for me to paint yellow cuffs and collar. But cmon Hasbro.. The Original is THE first Marvel hero. He is long overdue.

since83 - 2024-10-07 @ 6:32 pm
On 10/6/2024 at 8:28 PM, McHogan said:

Yeah to complete the WCA, all that is missing is Firebird (agree, could do without BUT she is listed as an official member so I must have her haha), Jim Hammond Torch, and Living Lightning. And Thing in his black onesy just because I always dug that look.Pretty easy for Hasbro to do honestly.

There wasnt any version of Captain Marvel on the WCA, the list you found got that one wrong too. Not sure who they could be confusing that character with. Maybe the version of the team that Kate Bishop started? That team had both Kate and Clint, Miss America, Gwenpool, Kid Omega and someone named Fuse and Alloy. But just as Im writing this, I seem to recall Marvel Boy or Protector ( forget what name he was using at the time ) was hanging out with the team. Or dating a couple members of the team. Or something. Maybe thats who is listed?

And the latest version of the WCA that just started could be a fun book. No idea who is officially on that version but for me, the classic team is all I really care about.

Glad to see another fan. There was a time, around the late 40's issues of WCA that I was more excited to get their monthly book over the main teams. The later roster with US Agent, Spider-Woman, Torch, and the rest had a big time feel to the book. Definitely great times.

Now that you say that, it had to be Marvel Boy from that Bishop book. Which actually wasn't horrid. Not the greatest, but coulda gone somewhere. I am excited for the new team, it sounds pretty cool. Id say we finish this team soon, but pretty funny how long they can keep us so close, lol. This got me thinking, why can't they do a Hammond 2 pack, flame on and human/Android version? Actually a lot of cool 2 packs could come of that concept!

McHogan - 2024-10-07 @ 1:28 am
On 10/6/2024 at 10:05 AM, since83 said:

I too, am super excited about the amount of WCA love we've been getting lately! I had been resigned to using an Ant Man with his helmet off for Pym until that pack came out. Honestly we are pretty close here. Living Lightning, Firebird who I honestly could live without, but want them for the completionist in me. And then a few different costumes here and there, especially that "bad" Scarlett Witch look from her first villain run. I didn't have every single issue of WCA, so I don't remember every member, like Darkhawk being on the team. But the list I looked up had the wrong SpiderWoman and Torch listed. Who is the Captain Marvel teammember? Is it Genis Vel? I don't remember a version of CM on the team.

Yeah to complete the WCA, all that is missing is Firebird (agree, could do without BUT she is listed as an official member so I must have her haha), Jim Hammond Torch, and Living Lightning. And Thing in his black onesy just because I always dug that look.Pretty easy for Hasbro to do honestly.

There wasnt any version of Captain Marvel on the WCA, the list you found got that one wrong too. Not sure who they could be confusing that character with. Maybe the version of the team that Kate Bishop started? That team had both Kate and Clint, Miss America, Gwenpool, Kid Omega and someone named Fuse and Alloy. But just as Im writing this, I seem to recall Marvel Boy or Protector ( forget what name he was using at the time ) was hanging out with the team. Or dating a couple members of the team. Or something. Maybe thats who is listed?

And the latest version of the WCA that just started could be a fun book. No idea who is officially on that version but for me, the classic team is all I really care about.

Glad to see another fan. There was a time, around the late 40's issues of WCA that I was more excited to get their monthly book over the main teams. The later roster with US Agent, Spider-Woman, Torch, and the rest had a big time feel to the book. Definitely great times.

since83 - 2024-10-06 @ 2:05 pm

I too, am super excited about the amount of WCA love we've been getting lately! I had been resigned to using an Ant Man with his helmet off for Pym until that pack came out. Honestly we are pretty close here. Living Lightning, Firebird who I honestly could live without, but want them for the completionist in me. And then a few different costumes here and there, especially that "bad" Scarlett Witch look from her first villain run. I didn't have every single issue of WCA, so I don't remember every member, like Darkhawk being on the team. But the list I looked up had the wrong SpiderWoman and Torch listed. Who is the Captain Marvel teammember? Is it Genis Vel? I don't remember a version of CM on the team.

McHogan - 2024-10-06 @ 3:34 am

I love this version of MK. Its like the Armored DD suit, undeniably MK, but just enough differnt to really stand out.

I honestly never thought we'd get an offical WCA version. Well, its the WCA version to me. I know he sported the same basic look in the Fist of Khonshu book but if memory serves, in THAT book, he had the ankh on his chest, while this suit is comic accurate to his short run as a Whacko.

Ive long since stopped collecting comics but ever since I started collecting Legends (day1 , series 1) ive wanted two displays : Secret Wars and the entire WCA roster. With the box set last year and now this new version of MK, my WCA display is getting accurate as hell... keep them coming Hasbro. Im at the point where I just need a few specific looks ( Thing's black and red unitard) and a few key Avengers from Vol1 ...

since83 - 2024-10-05 @ 4:55 pm

Those shoulders really are an issue. They make me want to never take Pyms lab coat off, even though I really want to use him as GM. They really do need to stop using this mold.

MODADDYDODOK - 2024-10-05 @ 4:35 pm

Poor, little Moon Knight. I like the new cape and gold accents but I've zero interest in getting another him on this buck ever again.

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-10-05 @ 3:50 pm
On 10/5/2024 at 10:59 AM, since83 said:

It's the cloak not covering the shoulders at....I think. If you have any white cloaks that will cover those shoulders, it will look better. But if you can do the Mr Knight/TB thing I was talking about, it is perfect! And yeah, I really love that Walgreens, so it's a head scratcher for me too.

And thank you for loving the 100000 BC look....for me! Lol, you legit just cracked me up!

I think it is the cloak not covering the shoulders, it's because those shoulders are so diminutive, honestly it doesn't do a ton of figures justice, some work, a ton look like they are slouching down and unsure of themselves, like someone just told them they are bad superheroes and are about to walk off defeated.

And yeah, love that you love that awful cringey Moon Knight...I want that figure now, because someone actually asked for it. You Deserve it!

On 10/5/2024 at 11:11 AM, since83 said:


That does look a ton better, nice job, I'd probably do this however, 1 I want my Mr. Knight as Mr. Knight, and 2 I don't have the Toybiz Moony anymore.

ah well, Bobble head for me. The Funko Legend...

since83 - 2024-10-05 @ 3:11 pm



since83 - 2024-10-05 @ 2:59 pm
On 10/5/2024 at 9:30 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

OMG funny you say that about Avengers 10000 BC Moon Knight, because I really can't stand that look, never thought I'd see someone saying it's top of their list, and now I love it, love it for you...that look makes me laugh.

Yeah I just noticed this What is making his head look so huge? Isn't this not the same Sunfire buck they used for the last figure, sure seems like it, And it's the same head sculpt, so why does it look like it's getting a bit bobble heady? it's odd and confusing, but I can't unsee the big head issue either.

It's the cloak not covering the shoulders at....I think. If you have any white cloaks that will cover those shoulders, it will look better. But if you can do the Mr Knight/TB thing I was talking about, it is perfect! And yeah, I really love that Walgreens, so it's a head scratcher for me too.

And thank you for loving the 100000 BC look....for me! Lol, you legit just cracked me up!

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