A first look at "The Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series" has surfaced on the internet. According to the gallery owner, the banner in this photo comes from the "Licensing International Expo 2007" that started today and runs until the 21st of this month. This banner depicts Spider-Man with a stylized look and shows us a hint of the villains The Vulture, Electro, Sandman and Doc Ock.
The Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series is being produced by Culver Entertainment and is scheduled to air in early 2008 on Kids’ WB! on The CW.
Riding the crest of Sony’s summer blockbuster “Spider-Man 3,” the new animated series picks up the original web-slinger’s mythology at the beginning of his hero’s journey – as a not-so-typical 16-year-old entering his junior year of high school. Having spent the summer engaging common criminals with his new-found powers, Peter Parker must conceal his secret identity while engaging a new level of terror – the multi-leveled pressures of teenage life at home and school while combating bigger, badder super-villains in the real world.
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